[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/kfn3dJE.png[/img] [img]http://cdn.collider.com/wp-content/uploads/james-franco-slice-03.jpg[/img] [/center] [hr] Jordan couldn’t keep an uneasy smirk off of his face as Chanel dragged him across the floor. While the confrontation with the other boy had had a certain level of physical comedy- the ringing crack of the slap, and capped off with the punch cup flung against his chest- the reddening handprint on his face was a stark reminder of what would happen if Jordan crossed Chanel tonight. The look on her face had been ferocious, and judging by the way the dancers hurried out of the pair’s way it probably still was. Making it out the other side of the night with his dignity and face intact was number one priority- he resolved to keep his drink close and to place his empties gently into the bin. If poor Lucas’ cup had actually still had punch in it there was no doubt in Jordan’s mind that by now the local news would be typing up an obituary. Chanel led him across the dance floor by the hand and Jordan followed, although without much of a second option. By now the party had properly kicked off- probably significantly helped along by Chanel’s booze in the punch- and people were letting loose and dancing wildly. The flashing lights made it hard to make out faces and he hadn’t spent long enough at Palms to know most of them anyways. Yet one group of dancers stood out to him. The short girl with bushy hair could only be Bea, and she was flanked by two taller guys. A twinge of jealousy panged through him before a lighting change illuminated the two of them and Jordan had to hide a muffled snort of laughter. Even with his limited time at the school, it hadn’t taken long to learn about the only ‘out of the closet’ student. And although he didn’t think it was confirmed, he had certainly heard whispers about Kavan too. Two gays and an autist sounded like the setup of an offensive joke, and judging by Archer and Kavan’s attempts at dancing the punchline couldn’t be any good. Jordan’s observations were cut short by Chanel’s sudden stop. He turned to meet the blue eyes of Julie Macmillan, and nodded a greeting. It didn’t surprise him that Chanel had hunted the other girl out- she seemed to be her best friend, and the two had been practically inseparable during the week Jordan had spent with his date leading up to Homecoming. Although at the moment she was looking rather upset. He recalled that she had been paired up with the Colombian guy, Andres, who was nowhere to be found. [color=8c5bff]‘Sup Julie. Lost your date?’[/color] he asked.