[h2]Astrid[/h2] "Thank you!" Astrid dashed off to her room, or was about to, when she realized that it was still dark. She muttered a soft apology as she picked up a candle and then went to head to her room. She sighed a bit as she headed to her room, thinking about how this quest should be. Of course, she had been on quests to bring heroes back to Valhalla. She went to her room, and gently picked up her spear. She ran her hand along the pole for a bit and then she found a soft knot in the wooden shaft. With a press, the magic rune was activated that shrunk the spear down to a more travel friendly size. She gently strung it around her neck, feeling the point against her sternum. That cold metal against her body reminded her that she was armed, and that she was protected. She then grabbed a rough looking sack out of her still unpacked suitcase and started roughly shoving clothing into the sack, as well as... oh shit. She mentally cursed and then went to run back down the stairs to find Kade. "Uh... Kade... when I arrived my parents handed over something to Eleanor... I'll need it for the quest." [hr] [h2]Katalina[/h2] "Cool. Thanks Eleanor." Katalina ran up to her room by memory alone, and tugged some clothing haphazardly into a little mermaid backpack. (The irony was not lost on her. It had been something that Hannah had given her when she asked for a backpack. Katalina had just stared at the other girl for a moment before walking off.) She wasn't sure what kind of weapon to grab, if she was going to grab one. She did make sure to gently pack up her shell, wrapping it with the most tender care, which she wasn't giving to anything else. Katalina had been trained to use a trident when she had been in her world. It was the most effective weapon for under water fighting. They didn't have guns in that world, which made sense, and they also didn't really do sword fights under the water. It was stupid to try to swing things around like that in the water. Maybe a knife? Would Eleanor be pissed if she took one of the knives from the kitchen?