[h3]Athrú/Arú - Goddess of Change:[/h3] [hider=Athrú/Arú] [center] Name: Athrú Bandia/Bandia an athraithe, Changing Goddess/Goddess of Change Arú(preferred nickname) Domain: Change Appearance: Athrú's appearance depends on her mood and what she feels is acceptable or useful for the given situation, and as such she will shift between these forms as she pleases, though it's unknown if she has others. [color=gold]Initial form, Childish form, Arú[/color] [hider=Arú] [color=gold]This is her most commonly known form, and as most would be able to tell, it is also her most childish. One would be a fool to believe her innocent though, as her lack of morals is ever present and she is prone to slipping into some madness.[/color] Used mostly for pleasent visits, socializing, and causing mischief. Height: 4'3" [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/645842ee-9e47-430b-a087-6c9a5b6749b2.png[/img][/hider] [color=orchid]Mature form, Athrú[/color] [hider=Athrú] [color=orchid]Some know of this form of hers, as it is her most mature form. Those who have encountered it are quick to note how much more composed and insightful she is. Though it may not always be apparent, her sanity is at its best when like this.[/color] Used mostly for formal visits, discussions, and mature interactions. Height: 5'7" [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/e276e5f9-dd0f-4c20-9fdc-7dfa2963fb0e.jpg[/img][/hider] Realm: Réimse Athsheinm - The Playback Field [hider=Athsheinm]Athsheinm is currently just a field of grass where everything is stuck in a loop except for those visiting it. Athrú made the field so that she would be able to practice replicating any random changes she causes within this space. In a sense, this is her workshop, and as a workshop one shouldn't be surprised to see things appear and disappear from within it over the course of time. The field itself might even change as she requires different things. One can find the only available gate to Athrú's realm, a tree twisted around a stone arch, within the heart of the Shifting Forest where grass and snow meet.[/hider] Territory: The Shifting Forest [hider=Shifting Forest]Upon the Northwest penecula lies Athrú's earthly domain, the Shifting Forest. When crossing into the edge of the forest, one would only notice a few things out of place at first. An oddly shaped tree here, some upended roots there. But in heading deeper into it they'd soon discover the reason for which it was named, as the trees themselves can bend without the wind and the very ground they grow on slowly moves. Because of this the landscape is ever changing, making it difficult to navigate should one have a path to their destination in mind. But should one just travel amongst the forest and accept its shifting flows like the animals that live there, one will find it easier to travel through. Once at its center though, one will find stable ground and a small clearing in which the grass and the snow meet, almost like the eye of a calmly moving storm. [/hider] Personality: The below are the only consistencies of Athrú's personality amongst her forms. Though Athrú often takes the form of a child and frequently acts like one, she's contrastingly quite mature physiologically. She often knows full well what she's doing and still cares not. For though she "loves" everything that exists, as the embodiment of change itself, it is but a heartless love she has. To see things be created or live brings her the same joy as to see them destroyed or die, for both are forms of change. Because of this she is quite an amoral being, caring not if she does the "right" or "wrong" thing, for both are the same to her and as such she finds the idea of a "sin" to be quite silly. At times though she does have difficulty in remembering that people dislike negative changes, even when they're necessary to the world at large. Those are not her only defining traits however, for she's also incredibly curious about things she does not yet understand and can almost always be found poking her nose into others business uninvited should one be able to identify her. She's also incredibly tenacious should she so choose and her almost untiring body and stamina reflect that. Because even though change itself is not all that directly powerful or imposing of a force, it is a relentless and unceasing one. Biography: For as childish as she is mature, as intangible as she is touchable, and as mad as she is sane, the goddess of change is known not for her stability, but for her consistency in fluctuating as she pleases, with her personality dependant upon her mood and her form. Many say this is quite reflective of her domain, but it's actually the result of her rather awkward growth from a divine cord into fully fledged goddess, for she was originally to have no set form at all. But from the moment of her inception she was affected by her very own domain, and in a quirk caused by change itself her body instead took the form of a human child, full of curiosity and... much confusion. For though she could sense the "sounds" of her domain around her, the natural changes of the world, she could not replicate them by "note", instead causing random and sometimes unnatural changes. This was much like how a child handed an instrument and being told to learn by ear would only be able to produce a cacophony of notes and sounds at first. But instead of a single "instrument", she was given a whole orchestra and then some, being told to learn on her own while every instrument around her played itself. Wondering for what reason she couldn't "play back" what she "heard", she took to traveling in the hope of finding answers, though her initial reason soon faded as the massive and vibrant world around the young goddess quickly set her curiosity aflame, driving her to explore the world fully. And for the first 25 years of her life, she had the grandest time doing so. From climbing on mountains, to hopping with stinging feet across a land of flowing magma, and even diving into the depths of the sea, she unknowingly paid vists to many of her elder siblings territories and a few of the realms she could find accessible. Along the way she often mingled with humans and eventually came to learn of many things from them, including their mortal tales and knowledge. It was from these that she learned about some of her siblings and their feats. For a short moment she wondered why she hadn't met them yet, but the question soon passed from her mind as she continued to travel and learn the concepts of the world. Eventually she returned to her starting point and shortly after remembered her reasons for leaving. Listening once again to the "sounds" she now knew only she could hear, she was surprised when she could now identify "sounds" of the changing wind and the dying grass. In short time she replicated them with ease and realized that if she understood of what it is she was trying to change, she could more easily learn the different "sounds" of its change. With this realization came a spark of curiosity about herself, and within a year's time she chased it down, coming to understand that she was the goddess of change itself. With this realization she matured immensely and finally became capable of changing her form in full. In the days that followed she came to understand her limits and soon mastered most of the simple changes she knew of as she relearned the concepts around her. In doing so she learned of her greatest desire. She wanted to see all kinds of change and she realized that in order to do so she would have to propagate change within the world. So she set out upon the world once again, determined to accomplish the goal within her mind. Notes: (Leave this empty. As the rp goes on any details you wish to record go here. Once this CS is submitted Do not edit any other portion of the CS aside from this without the GM's consent.) Misc: Athrú isn't a physically powerful goddess, but she makes up for it with her endurance and stamina. She's also only been around for four thousand of the ten thousand years, meaning that she's only somewhat acquainted with her other new siblings. "Put that on my Tabula." [/center] [/hider] Athrú's Creations and Followers: [hider=Creations:] -none of note yet.[/hider] [hider=Followers:] [color=darkgray]Rauth - The Trusted First[/color] [hider=Rauth] [color=darkgray]This mysterious man seems to be the closest and only follower Athrú has so far, reverent to his goddess above all else. Any who have unknowingly met him have either thought him quietly reassuring if on their side, or terrifyingly heartless if against his blade.[/color] Arú will call upon him for unpleasant visits, fighting, and having him travel unnoticed. Height: 5'4" [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/d419b677-35f7-42ff-88e8-4e9554856d14.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/hider] Rules and limits of the change domain: [hider=By the number] 1. Before there can be change, * there has to be something to change, * one must understand what it is they are trying to change, * and one must understand the change itself, lest a random change be the result. 2. The better understood something is, the more easily one can cause specific and/or more challenging changes. As such, * one who understands many things on a simple level will be able to cause many simple changes, * while one who understands a single thing deeply will be able to change that single thing in many ways. 3. It gets exponentially harder to cause change the more powerful and/or complex something is. As such, * to reverse a change costs one twice as much as it would to cause that change, * changing things on a large scale will tire one greatly. * trying to change something of another god's making without their help will wipe one for a while, regardless of if it worked. (No mortal should try this, as it might cost them their life.) * one cannot cause change to the psyche or mind, as it is too complex. * one cannot cause change to energy except for diverting its path slightly, as it is too powerful. * one cannot cause change to divine cords, and by extension gods, for they are [i]far[/i] too powerful. 4. Though the domain of change has a widespread authority on many things, it will lose its control over something for the duration of its encounter with any who have a greater and more specialized authority over that something. 5. If something is of direct relation to oneself, like one's body or clothes, one will find find it somewhat easier to cause change to such things, though such things must truely be theirs for this to be of effect. [/hider]