"If I jumped out right now would I be okay?" Zephyr mumbled to himself after Ryteb caused an explosion that was sure to make them tons of friends. Why was he here, in this deathtrap with his overexcitable crewmate? Probably because Ryteb had asked right after Zephyr had his morning coffee, and he just didn't want to disappoint. Also Ryteb didn't seem like he would be taking no for an answer but that was beside the point. "Ryteb I know you're having a good time but think we could focus the fire on the guys trying to bring us down?" Zephyr pointed his hand out and fired a firebolt at an oncoming ships engine block to bring it down as he tried to get Ryteb back on task. He also enjoyed the distraction from the fact some civilians were caught in the crossfire. He had to ignore that for now, he told himself that if they hadn't escaped by now they were probably done for anyways. Or perhaps he could focus on the fact that he could hardly believe this glider was holding the both of them aloft currently. At least is had seatbelts, although that was less surprising than one might think, seatbelts did help with all the flips Ryteb tended to do. The man was nearly twice Zephyrs age but that didn't stop him doing crazy maneuvers. You got used to it if you flew with him enough, used to it to the point where you didn't get sick at least. You never really got over the lurch you'd feel when Ryteb decided to kick it in to high gear. Despite all that though Zephyr really liked the guy, and would be sad if they ever parted ways. He was a loose cannon, but he was also a damn good pilot, despite what other people might say.