[center] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/539726019704659968/MFIvGpgH_400x400.jpeg[/img] Autumn Anderson 105|Witch - [url=https://scontent-lax3-2.cdninstagram.com/vp/8c97c789f19b4845fee2ec57323e0dcf/5CC232F5/t51.2885-15/e35/s480x480/47586243_337151817121756_8159763502178135393_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-lax3-2.cdninstagram.com]Werewolf Hybrid[/url]|Against The War|The Dead "Call me a coward, but maybe its better for my family to think I'm gone." Additionally: -Autumn is believed dead by all of her family. Surely you know the story about the girl that caused the last Werewolf and Vampire war, in the far West. That would be Autumn. She ran to the vampires hoping to be protected from her father because she was a witch, but they tried to use her against him. Afraid for her mother she ran instead. -Autumn is a very powerful witch, product of both a strong magical family and a family of Alpha wolves. She specializes in a type of magic that is close to Natural magic that effects sound waves. She is also a Alpha wolf. -At the moment she is hiding in the same pack as Arik, she has held the rank of beta or The Omega tightly for the last five years. Thankfully so even, she doesn't care about titles in the least. She craves friendship and safety after the time she spent alone. -Autumn is completely colorblind, due to a birth defect of being a hybrid. This is also the reason that while in wolf form her eyes appear a light blue instead of yellow. [/center]