[@Alisdragon911] Nassau had to think about what he could use next but he needed to think fast. This was the down side to his sealing magic, it takes a moment to prepare. Nassau was about to be hit with the tidal wave as he pulled a scroll out but was too late when it hit him. He was slammed into a wall while trying to hold his breath. The water was very cold but needing to stop this, he, as quickly as he could, opened the scroll and used his mana to use it. He used his magic seal absorption technique of his scroll allowing it to suck up the water from the tidal way and the ice sealing it inside the scroll. "You have some scary magic..." He said as the scroll rolled back up. "Might need to save this for later." he said placing it in his jacket. Nassau then formulated a seal that slithered down her arm into his hand. He had an ideal. He just needed to get closer. "He got into fight stance and with his power up seal still in effect for a little bit longer, Nassau dashed towards her to bring this into a hand to hand combat match.