I would say it depends on your definition of godmoding. Some people get super annoyed if you so much as mention that their character is in the room with all the other characters where all the stuff is happening, because they didn't specifically mention that s/he was or was not, and you're totally controlling their character and omg GM ban this skrub. Taking direct control of another player's character is only acceptable in a few very specific cases: 1. The player gave you permission in advance 2. The player has been inactive for an extended period of time, their character is vital for story progression AND the GM/consensus has given you permission to do so. 3. You are the GM and have explicitly stated before the RP that this was something you might occasionally do. I don't personally believe that it is the right of any GM to just stick a middle finger up to the player and say 'Screw you, your character is doing X whether you like it or not' except in extreme circumstances. And even then, most of those extreme circumstances would be better solved by just kicking the offending player, or at least politely asking him to bugger off.