[center][h2][color=ed1c24][i][b]Drake “D” Edwards[/b][/i][/color][/h2] [img] https://image.ibb.co/mbnbKq/drake3post.jpg [/img][/center] [hr][center][color=ed1c24][b]Interaction/Mentions:[/b] [@Damo021][@webboysurf] | [b]Location:[/b][/color] Avalon [/center][hr][hr] Drake looked to Cleo and her wound and reality began to set in, his adrenaline offering some clarity of thought. "[color=f7941d]Dude did you just really quote Dragon Ball Z?[/color]" Drake's answer was just a crooked, uncomfortable smile. People were getting hurt. The inebriation was taking a turn from jovial to aggressive. "[color=red]Has anyone seen where she is? We need to wake her up![/color]" Nik's concern was real. The bloodshed was real. Drake blinked for a moment. "[color=f7976a]She left with the vampire...[/color]" Drake offered, his voice a little faint as he tried to reanalyze the situation he found himself in. His gaze went from the demonic looking entity to the back door. His eyes squinted forcefully as he demanded his will to focus. No more time for games. Though his mind was forcefully trying to regain composure, his body was still at the mercy of the chemicals he ingested as well as the sleep deprivation. His vision was blurred and his balance was lacking. If Nik was right, there was no killing this thing. Not really. The only end to it was through Uná. "[color=f7976a]We gotta...[/color]" He swayed as he tried to stand still, his eyes still bouncing from the back door to the creature. "[color=f7976a]...split up. Gotta go get Uná. Gotta distract the Big Ugly. Take Cleo. Get her out of here. I can be distragen... distratcher... I can keep It busy.[/color]" With that, his fists went flame on once more, his glassy bloodshot eyes narrowed at the Thing, as his brows jutted forward. His jaw lowered, exposing his lower teeth in a silent snarl. There wasn't a lot left in the tank, but enough to go out with a bang, if it came to that. In an attempt to issue an intimidating challenge, Drake called out to the creature. "[color=f7976a]Fucks with me.[/color]"