[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=00aeef]Emanuel "Manny" Newman[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/33/16/fe/3316fe559f13dd3bbefa84bd6e602b5e.jpg[/img][/center][hr][hr] [center][b]Location:[/b] Bus --> Motel Showers [b]Skills:[/b] N/A [/center] [hr][hr] Manny seeing Alexander talk the way he did about his faith made Manny feel better. It reminded him that just because there are some loud voices in the crowd, it doesn't mean that everyone in that crowd is with them. Alexander was proof of that, and it helped Manny relax a bit inside. Pulling up to what looked like a motel the bus stopped. Or at least it was a motel, no idea what it was used for now, it honestly could be a strip club for all he knew? Buildings rarely held their same purpose once the world ended. He remembered how his last medical office was a large garage, but it worked nice for what he needed. Chances are it was where they would be in quarantine. One person per motel room, it could work. Though they may just get cubicles in an office space that was behind the building and this parking area was the only that was used as a parking area. "[color=00aeef]God there is so much to learn about this place.[/color]" Manny would join everyone exiting the bus and heading inside. Taking good note of the armed guards that were with them. Though many of them were from the Helicopter people from before. Manny told himself this was a good thing, they seemed calm and collective. The lobby to the motel was nice. This room alone was better then anything he had been in since he was at Eden, and he imagined they weren't sleeping in the lobby tonight. Atticus explained things pretty clearly, girls with Daytona, and Guys with Atticus. They walked into a locker room that was fairly open, it reminded Manny a lot of his highschool years when privacy was a big "Fuck you" in school. Though that may have been just his school, they cut corners in budget everywhere. "[color=00aeef]And now a bunch of grown men get naked and shower in the same room together...[/color]" At first Manny was hesitant to take off his clothes, he didn't know any of these people and he felt very... in basics exposed. He didn't like that at all. But seeing as how everyone else was doing okay so far with it, he figured why not? It was only a big deal if someone made a big deal out of it, and everyone seemed... at the very least okay with one another. Manny noticed another older man making comments after working with a bar of soup. Explaining how he knew what would happen if he reached for the soup where it was. Manny chuckled and replied to the man. He was trying to remember his name from the bus but sadly in his amazement of this community he has forgotten. "[color=00aeef]Don't worry there, you're not my type old man. And I am in severe short supply of booze. Sadly for you if I did have some, I am claiming first dibs.[/color]" Manny said joking. Though if he did have something to drink, hard to say he would share. Maybe with Alexander, but that might be it. "[color=00aeef]Good luck shaving though.[/color]" There was a man who asked about who had been in the military. Manny wasn't at any point though he did know a decent number growing up who were. He saw Alexander mention that he was, and Manny felt a bit proud of the man for speaking up. He knew those times were harder for his friend. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=00a651]Private Hunter James Monroe[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://imagesvc.timeincapp.com/v3/mm/image?url=https%3A%2F%2Fewedit.files.wordpress.com%2F2016%2F07%2Fhacksaw-ridge-1.jpg%3Fw%3D612&w=1000&c=sc&poi=face&q=70[/img][/center][hr][hr] [center][b]Location:[/b] Bus --> Motel Showers [b]Skills:[/b] N/A [/center] [hr][hr] Hunter was in awe from the town, though getting the reply about how everyone was at least a little crazy to have made it this far was.... actually relaxing. "[color=00a651]Thanks...[/color]" He said trying to sound polite. Or at least not like an asshole. He kept to himself for the most part, with the exception of hearing someone else say the name Monroe. At that moment he looked up the bus and stood up. Had he really missed one of his family members? Were they close ones? Distant? He felt... more hope then he had since starting his search more then five years ago. Then she heard the woman who spoke their common last name say the words that broke his spirit. No Relation. Watching her motion towards him as he stood there, his hopes and dreams crushed right before him. He was speechless, not sure what to do... so he sat down again, his body seemingly unable to move. He felt stupid for letting his hopes get up so prematurely. He hated himself for thinking he had any chance. He felt weak when he struggled to hide his pain. He was late to react when everyone else got off the bus, though he caught up fast, knowing he was already on bad terms with several people here. Some of which were well armed and waiting outside the motel that this [i]Group[/i] was walking into. The procedure from here was simple, men and woman got different rooms to shower, put on the clothes they give you, toss the old, sounded familiar. Even if they got the things back. Though the hot shower seemed nice. Hunter couldn't remember the last time he cleaned himself off. Or was anywhere clean. His last group had mentioned he smelled pretty bad, but Hunter didn't care. He had bigger concerns at the time. Hunter stripped pretty fast, not caring who saw him in complete nude. He was disarmed anyways, so might as well keep agility on his side. His lined jacket was a pain in the ass to get into the bag though. It was made to be stubborn and sure as hell, and it still was. Just in the wrong way. Taking off his clothes though revealed how starved the boy had been. Staying physically active with an average of less then a single meal a day for a few weeks now took its toll on his frame. By this point his ribs were visible, and even without his gear on his moments were slow. He soon stepped into the warm water and let the dirt flood off him. And god it was the most amazing thing he had felt in a long time. The rinse phase alone had turned part of the shower floor a dark brown and blacksish color from all the grim on his person. The soup eventually cleared that up, and helped remove a smell that Hunter hadn't previously known. "[color=00a651]huh...[/color]" was all he had to add to that. At one point he had noticed a weird old man doing some weird shit with a bar or soup. Hunter deciding he didn't want to get involved with the soap dude finished clearing himself up and grabbed his new outfit. It was comfy enough, though felt.... different. Hunter while still getting used to his new situation heard someone, a man in his middle ages he guessed ask who else was military. Hunter was not sure if he shouldn't answer. But if they were going through his shit they'd find the uniform eventually. "[color=00a651]yeah, National Guard. How about you stranger?[/color]" He asked wondering more about his new... people.