Yasu just had to cringe when she saw the turbine kid smirking at her. She didn't know what was going through his head, but she was sure she wouldn't like it. Fortunately she didn't have to think about him for very long because someone decided to come up to her of their own volition. She hadn't planned on making idle chatter, but if someone was going to engage her, she wasn't going object. Her parents had told her she needed to 'try and make friends' while she was here. She didn't really consider making friends one of her problems, but it was better to placate them than try to argue with them. This girl would make as good a 'friend' as any. From her name and greeting, the obvious guess was she had Italian ancestry. Her mixed racial heritage was plain on her face too. None of that mattered much to Yasu. She was no xenophobe. [color=0076a3]"Hayakawa Yasu."[/color] She replied nonchalantly as she took Kiko's hand. She was worried for a minute that she would have to be the one to come up with some banal point of conversation, but turbine boy's ego provided that for her. It appeared that Yasu's initial summary of him was entirely on the money. She wasn't entirely sure if he just considered himself number one at this school, or for the whole country, maybe even the world, but he sure as hell had his head up his ass. Listening to him, Yasu had to wonder how anyone ever thought it was her that had a problem with authority. She was quite delighted to hear someone taking the piss out of him by proclaiming the arrival of the country's actual number one hero. It was like poetry. [color=0076a3]"I'll say."[/color] She remarked to Kiko's commentary. Shortly after plane dude's little scene, someone actually came out of the school. Looked like just another student, but at least they opened the door. That was progress. It looked like a teacher was arriving too. [color=0076a3]"I think they're getting ready to start."[/color] Yasu began to move towards the doors, with the vague implication that Kiko should too. [color=0076a3]"Wanna bet how long dipshit lasts? I reckon he won't last the year."[/color] It might be hypocritical of her to be making judgements on how problematic others would be, but if this guy planned on pulling any more stunts like this, she was pretty sure he'd be ten times the trouble she could ever be. At least she [i]planned[/i] on trying to fit in here. [@Etranger] [hider=tldr] Small talk, many names for Sakimoto, and moving to go into the school/go along with whatever the first day plan is. [/hider]