[h1][center][color=tomato]Krista Reynolds[/color][/center][/h1] [hr] A scar. Hou Yi had a scar. The technicians had repaired Krista's Framewerk in time for this new battle, but the lack of time to paint the newly replaced armor plates made them stand out. Krista herself had spent the time studying what she could of the last fight, quietly trying to figure out what she could've done differently. The answer frustrated her: Don't get shot, idiot. She pushed the thought to the back of her head during the briefing, quietly absorbing the information on the situation as it was presented. At first she thought the Deep Strike would be doable, she had practiced the maneuver in the simulator dozens of time. However the heat generated during the real deal was suffocating, and she had to strain to focus on the proper landing in her specially designed drop pod. Her werk had to be specially folded up and placed into the pod after she had climbed into the cockpit to ensure that she would land upright. Immediately upon landing she felt the extra gravity, her body heavy in the seat, the climate control working quickly to bring the cockpit back to a more comfortable temperature. And that wasn't even accounting for how much heavier Hou Yi felt. For a moment she worried that she shell wouldn't open but with a series of concussive blasts, the panels fell away to let her stand up. Immediately she saw several targets within range, all set against the backdrop of a ruined world. Just like her home. She took a deep breath to try and steady her voice and opened the comms channel. [color=tomato] "This is the Hou Yi, I landed safely."[/color]. Stepping clear of the drop pod, she saw the fight had already started, with Paladin firing upon a pair of Cruxi targets. She decided to assist Paladin, adding her own fire into the mix to help ensure target destruction. [hr] Combat Actions: Firing upon target in C7