Midoriya nodded as Nensu told her hobbies one by one. 'That's a lot.' He thought as he counted all the things she liked to do. For him, he liked to... look up things about heroes, be an average fanboy of All Might and... pretty much that. Days spent as a quirkless person wasn't so bright. Especially after his dream was denied at such a young age, all he did was continue preparing for a reckless dream, until his dream actually came true. All thanks to All Might. "Me? I... not much. I usually look up things about heroes, analyze and study them. I even have notebooks about them. Like over a dozen." He said. The boy's eyes sparked as he started talking about his favorite activity. "There's things like their costumes, support devices, tactics of their quirks... generally everything. And since I'm a big fan of All Might, I've got lots of things about him too." There was so much to talk about, with years of his 'hero otaku' activity he's done. He studied almost everything about the heroes. Simply put, his knowledge about them was... 'intimidating'.(counting the fact that he could memorize almost all the things he wrote on those notes.) Hiems shrugged. Sometimes he couldn't stop her from being so emotional. And didn't need to either. He eyed his hand squeezed by hers, and gently placed his other hand on hers. "Thanks, it's a bit hard to get someone so caring for me when I'm on the opposite side of the earth to my family." He said.