[quote=@unicorgi] im actually gonna make my character from a nearby allied country, because shes a viscount just sayin [/quote] The people of Aion do not organize their nobility quite like a true medieval people would, because the system is not actually feudal. It's actually much closer to a republic. In the feudal system, a noble lord owns the land, and peasants live on it. On Aion, land is dirt-cheap (pun intended), if there's a price on it at all, and it's accessible to everyone, so anybody can own land. Noble lords simply rule over the lands assigned to them. The ranks and their duties are as follows: * Lord: rules over a village * Count: rules over a city/county * Duke: rules over a province * King: rules over a country There are a few other meaningless titles offered too, like Archduke and Viscount, but the four listed above are the only ones with any real power. The nobility have sovereign dominion over their respective territories except where explicitly stated in the Constitution.