She once asked her aunt... Well, she asked her alot of things, but the two main ones were 'Why don't they understand?' and 'Why don't they [i]stink?[/i]'. In the course of Titan-fighting, there had been a long study of everything a Titan does and everything a Titan is. It was how they knew that Titans were more active in the sun, that they were lighter than the bodies would normally be at that size, that even though they consumed human flesh...they didn't even DO anything with it. They also didn't stink while they lived OR when they died. Of course...any human remains that were discovered... That was different. Really, it was better that way. With a city full of the things dead, you didn't want everyone suffocating in the stench of an army of dead bodies. Kate had to leave her spot, for now. She hadn't seen any more Titans in her immediate area and definitely saw others that were farther off, getting themselves killed by someone else. That white flash was unmistakable. Much as Katherine had her own reputation in the corps, so did this one. People talked about a light-haired elite, one often associated with Levi Ackerman. Since Kate herself was not always running with the elites herself - more-or-less doing what was known as a 'field study' of equipment and of Titans to watch her back - learning everyone's names ended up being done second-hand. Like, everyone knew the name, Dot Pixis, but not everybody's met 'im, you know? The descriptions, though, matched what she'd heard and even seen from like across a room. Lieutenant Reinhardt had been in town, which was probably why so many people's lives had been spared. Beyond her skill, her rank, and the fact that she was [i]there[/i], really couldn't tell much about her. She was there, she was good, she left an impression, but she'd had more words with random soldiers helping her in her studies than this woman. Not that this was on purpose, mind you. She was just busy. The war, the endless conflict, so much work... Anyway, she had left her vantage point and swung along to different buildings, clattering across rooftops, and finally walking along the [i]ground[/i] to attract attention. Titans sought out people, but if they didn't see people, they investigated noise. And sometimes, even if they'd spotted people, you could still get some of them to come if you were loud enough. That was why she ended up walking along the road, shouting [color=f7941d]"Titans! Fresh meat! Come and get it!"[/color], although she could've shouted [i]anything[/i] and they STILL would've come. This was what bothered her, sometimes. They lived in a daze, uncomprehending. She could have said 'Makeshift catapult! Evil conquers all!' and it would've made no difference. She hated that these things existed and that they always had to go on a rampage. But more than that, she hated that they didn't even appear to know that they were [i]doing it[/i]. To those who ever worked with her, the sound of Katherine shouting was known to just be a distraction. In case someone [i]didn't[/i] know, she always pitched her shouts not to sound like she was seriously in distress. So, if she went and shouted 'Help! Help! I'm lost and helpless!', it always sounded like she was kidding. The Titans never knew the wiser, it seemed. It was only noise to them. It was actually kind of depressing, though it seemed like the new Titan, the roaring Titan, ignored this. Did he know better? Well, didn't seem her latest call-out was producing results. Probably better to move to a new area. No sooner had she activated lines and swung up, though, then a smaller Titan began to reach over a roof. Wait, [i]what?[/i] No, it was very simple. It hadn't been tall enough to reach over the building from the other side, so it had climbed, and now that it was on the (half-collapsed) roof, it was trying to gnab her out of the air! With a twist, the Titan suddenly had no fingers. It seemed to gawk at that as she aimed her next line right at the neck and closed the distance. The next few seconds would finger Katherine vigorously stabbing the neck into pieces with her claws. It took more effort this way, but then most people never used the tips of their swords, anyway.