[center][h1][color=green]Minerva Malfoy[/color][/h1] [img]https://em.wattpad.com/8d3ba1a344c8b772611b61ce0fa3419d44cbc64f/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f423044454e586f626d64777848773d3d2d3533323935333032352e313531313863333038663962363833643633363737323836383930312e676966?s=fit&w=720&h=720[/img][/center] [hr][hr] Ever since Draco started to develop signs of possessiveness, Minerva learned that she had to ever be so watchful of him, while around other people, especially around Half-Bloods and Muggles. The last time she was around someone, her twin wouldn't let them take any more steps than necessary, towards her. She remembered the last time he got his message across; during a banquet, by their early teens, another boy, around that age, was taken in by her beauty, and tried to chat her up. It was all friendly, at first, but then, it started to get personal, in a flirty sense. Draco made that perfectly clear, by calling that young man away, and threaten him with things that only god and Minerva knew. From that point onward, between that time, and now, Draco continued to broadcast that message, by doing things that were considered “immoral”...and it made her worry about him, as well as everybody else. She was devoted to him, but then his own insecurity, can get the better of him, in an emotional sense, having to do anything to "keep" her by his side, as a twin...and, of course, their secret love. These thoughts continued to run its course through Minerva's mind, as she walked with Draco towards a carriage that they had all to themselves. By the time she had managed to sit down, the female Malfoy smiled softly back at him, before having to feel his hand upon one of her own. Listening to what he had to say, Minerva nodded in response, before noticing him look out the window, towards the same brunette girl in the distance. By this point, she had to be concerned. But then, Minerva remembered that she had only seen her twin threaten other boys, but less so with girls. So, it kind of made her feel slight relief, although the concern still lingered. By the time she felt their transportation start to move, she leaned forward a gently laid her lips upon his own, hoping it would at least calm him down.