[@MarshiestMallow] All occupants if the dining table were lost in their own thoughts, making the meal a silent one. Claudia thought about how to deal with the pesky magic users, Caius chewed on the idea of having Callie turn herself into one of them while Darric watched them all. A few minutes passed by before the pack leader decided to break the silence. He cleared his throat. [color=lightgreen]"I can see the wheels in your heads turning. Let me hear it then,[/color] he said, looking pointedly at Caius. Caius lifted his head, blue eyes looking straight into Darric's gray ones. [color=turquoise]"Callie is thinking of turning herself into one of us... magically,"[/color] he stated straightforwardly. [color=turquoise]"Claudia thinks it's a good idea,"[/color] he added. [color=lightpink]Mmhmm...[/color] Claudia agreed in between chewing, not bothering to say anything else. Darric's gaze was still on Caius. But he didn't need to voice out the next question. [color=turquoise]"I'm honestly worried. Callie has strong magic but I don't exactly know how magic is with wolf physiology and psychology. But I'd trust her if she thinks she can do it,"[/color] Caius answered the pack leader's unspoken question. Darric gave Caius a small nod before turning his attention to the witch. [color=lightgreen]"Well...?"[/color]