[color=00a99d][centre][h3]Kenji Ito [IMG]http://i65.tinypic.com/2my5hl4.jpg[/IMG] Quirk: Beetle![/h3][/centre][/color][hr] The encounter, thankfully, was over. The blast of wind in Kenji’s face came as a bit of a surprise, but if it wasn’t for the tension of the situation he might have laughed. The cold air suddenly going from slight breeze to a short gust pushing on his exoskeleton at most gave him a shiver. He understood that the fiery student hadn’t intended on hurting him, but he might have equated it to a warning shot. [color=00a99d]“His quirk is so cool…”[/color] Kenji thought to himself as Akeno wordlessly left his side and windboy was carted off by more confrontational students. Now that he had thought about it, he had been so wrapped up by the school and the one-sided screaming match that he hadn’t at all scoped out the other students save for someone he had already met at the exam. He hoped that soon he would get to meet all sorts of interesting people. Then, finally, the teachers intervened in the situation. As if by magic the previously aggressive student was completely pacified by the smiling man. He didn’t recognize him exactly, but something about him was oddly familiar. It was finally starting to calm down outside as people were being let into the building. Kenji shuffled in with the rest of the students, keeping his distance from denser parts of the crowd. He was stopped by a taller woman, much taller. The very same that called the students into the building. Not to his surprise, she very kindly checked up on him after witnessing the event preceding. Very teacher-like. [color=00a99d]“Heh. I’ll admit he gave me a jump, b-but I don’t think he’s all that bad. I think he’s just as excited as I am, and he just has a different way of showing it than I do. I’m-- I’m sure we’ll get along eventually.”[/color] Kenji smiled, his antennae re-positioned themselves in a slightly upward angle. [i]I hope.[/i] [color=00a99d]“You’re a teacher, right? I’m Ito Kenji, I look forward to attending this academy.”[/color] Kenji bowed briefly before standing up straight and heaved his hiking pack higher up to adjust it once again before marching inside with the rest of the students. [hider=tl;dr]Kenji, now having an out from the previous ordeal, marches in with the rest of the students. Curiously avoiding more dense pockets of students. He his stopped and checked in on by Tanifuji, a teacher he hadn't met before, and expresses his high hopes for the coming school year.[/hider]