There are a few people who I've been friends with for a long period of time that I think deserve some recognition for the friendship I've have with them. [@Dragonbud], [@Ruler Inc], [@Maxx], [@He Who Walks Behind], [@Spoopy Scary], [@SepticGentleman], I mean it when I say this, you have all been there for me when I needed to feel understood, or not alone. Over all the years, through all the moves, the breakups, the changes, the one thing I could always count on were you. Thank you for thinking of me. For reserving part of your mind for my birthday or the books that I like to read. Thank you for being my friends. Fuck the whole lot of you. As of late [@Lord Wraith] has also found a place for me, and has chosen to trust me and include me in many things despite being relatively new to one another. Thank you for that, because as far as I am concerned you're on that list too. I look forward to the many laughs we have in the future regardless of what it will bring.