[indent][hr][center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjAwYjdlMC5UR2xzYVdVZ1JHbHZibTVsLjAA/velocity-demo.regular.png[/img][/center] [hr][indent] Despite her better judgment Lilie's nerves got the best of her, with the white haired girl making a rather speedy exit. Either Mariette wasn't able to nab her or she let her go willingly; either way, Lilie knew she needed to be alone. She managed to control herself long enough to close the door properly behind her as opposed to slamming it, releasing a breath she wasn't aware she was holding as she stayed in place. It was rude, and she was more than certain she would get reprimanded for it later, but for the moment, she needed an escape. Dragging her feet to the bed, she let herself fall on it, letting out a whine muffled by the sheets. Her vampire was crazy. All these Eve vampires were crazy. And the one vampire she thought would be alright ditched her within the hour. Were all vampires like this? Why did she have to get assigned to a noble? But what did she know? She was uneducated, powerless, and nothing more than something for her vampire to feed on. Part of her wanted to think there was more to it than she knew, but another part wondered if maybe she was the problem. Her hand absentmindedly pulled out Ike's note as she turned her face, her eyes staring at his writing. At least he didn't leave an omnious warning like Arianna did. [color=lightblue]“Associate with the common crowd, dearest Lilie,"[/color] She had said. Maybe it was just advice; she was [I]clearly[/I] out of her element, constantly messing up her own introductions and calling people by the wrong titles and abandoning her 'charge.' But she had no idea what she was doing! Maybe sticking with her own kind was for the best, at least with other humans she wouldn't have to worry about angering anyone. So long as she kept her head down, she was certain she could get through this. Letting out a sigh, she let herself doze off despite knowing she should have at least changed clothes. The universe seemed to agree as well: some time later, her phone chimed at her. Grasping it, she half-expected another pop up, though her eyes widened as she realized it was a text from Aaron. [i][color=f0d705]> Hey, sorry, I just got home. Also, weird. Where is ‘here’?[/color][/i] He was just getting home [i]now[/i]? What in the world was he up to? As she was about to inquire on it, she realized that her own assumptions were slightly out of bounds. Being out all night was probably normal around here; [i]she[/i] was the odd one used to accomplishing things during the day. Eventually she was going to have to get used to that somehow. Today had been a whirlwind, and she managed just fine, but she was going to have to make sure she didn't go passing out during class. For now, however, she was going to let Aaron know what had happened. He was the perfect distraction from this mess of a day. [hider=Texting Aaron][i][color=00BFFF]> In the cul-de-sac, but they're all gone now. Someone got arrested, the princess was here, too! I thought I was going to pass out Dx[/color][/i] [i][color=f0d705]> Oh, wow. Must have been a big deal. Freaky! > Wait, what cul-de-sac? Where the noble dorms are?[/color][/i] [i][color=00BFFF]> Yeah[/color][/i] Oh, right, Aaron was probably in the common dorms. [i][color=00BFFF]> OH > I live there, forgot to mention that since most of the students are in the public dorms > Since I'm rooming with Mariette > Not rooming, sorry, I'm her mage or whatever[/color][/i] For the rest of her life. But that was just a given. [i][color=f0d705]> Pretty much how being a mage works around here, haha. > I live there too! In the Sinnenodel dorm, farthest to the right! > Mariette? Which family?[/color][/i] Lilie's eyes lit up at the revelation, the girl sitting up slightly as she immediately typed out her response. Just knowing that there was a familiar face nearby relieved her immensely. Or at least, a face that wasn't a vampire. It was a great comfort, waking Lilie out of her sleep as she happily gave him a response. [i][color=00BFFF]> OH WOW!! WE'RE NEIGHBORS!!! :D > I'm right next door! At the Eve dorm![/color][/i] [i][color=f0d705]> Oh wow, what a coincidence! > I guess we’ll be seeing more of each other then.[/color][/i] It was so nice to see he was at least happy as well. She definitely needed a friend if she was going to get herself through this, if she only had Mariette to interact with, she was pretty sure she was going to go insane. Tapping her phone to her chin, she let out a sigh as she figured that was probably the end of their conversation. She supposed it was probably for the better, she was pretty tired. Besides, if they had classes together, they'd probably see one another. Or maybe they could walk to their classes together? Before she could ask, her phone lit up again. [i][color=f0d705]> What does your class schedule look like?[/color][/i] Great minds thought alike, it seemed! Lilie fished her schedule out of her bag, carefully unfolding the page before sending it to Aaron. [i][color=00BFFF]> I have Affinity Mastery in the Rose Hall, then Treaty Law in the Vilbrek Hall, then Lunch, then Spell Theory in the Rose Hall, then Self Defense at the Arena > Hbu?[/color][/i] Hmm, now that she was looking at her schedule, Affinity Mastery and Spell Theory were the ones that would likely grab her attention the most. Her eagerness to learn magic was what mainly drove her, though for now, she would give Aaron her attention as he would respond. [i][color=f0d705]> ??? > OH I get it, heh.[/color][/i] Huh? He didn't get acronyms? Lilie raised an eyebrow at it, but she couldn't help but giggle. That was actually cute, he was like a time traveler from the 1800s. [i][color=f0d705]> Hey, I have Treaty Law in Vilbrek too! And Spell Theory in Rose! And I think everyone has Self Defence in the Arena. I’ll be interested to see what they teach in that one.[/color][/i] [i][color=00BFFF]> I'm more interested in learning my affinity. And magic! Real magic!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧[/color][/i] [i][color=f0d705]> Your affinity is water, isn’t it? That’s magic! Though I’m excited to get into arcane magic too. I’ve had some aspect tutoring but so far arcane spells are still beyond me, haha.[/color][/i] [i][color=00BFFF]> Well yeah but[/color][/i] Despite sending the text, Lilie realized she hadn't completed the thought, her mind wandering back to the day she and the rest of her town had discovered she was a mage. It lingered on the back of her mind from time to time, though the day's events had done a lot to quell it. But it wasn't something she would be forgetting anytime soon, even if she would do whatever it took to distract herself, she would never forget hanging onto her best friend's hand for dear life. She would never forget her former friend's vicious words, punctuating in one that constantly hung over her head: [color=slateblue]"[b]Murderer![/b]"[/color] Her chest tightened for a second, but she batted away the unpleasant memories. No need to have a breakdown this early into the game. Despite the thought, however, her doubt still pulled at her, resulting in a lackluster response. [i][color=00BFFF]> I don't know if I'll be any good at it[/color][/i] [i][color=f0d705]> Oh, so you’re basically in the same boat as literally everyone else. :P[/color][/i] His response caused her to burst out laughing, her hand clamping over her mouth to quiet herself. [i][color=00BFFF]> That's not what I meant! >:T[/color][/i] [i][color=f0d705]> I’m sure you’ll be fine! There’s a learning curve to everything, right?[/color][/I] [i][color=00BFFF]> that's really nice of you to say but[/color][/i] No, no, she just needed to get a hang of things. Everything was going to be fine. She just...needed to learn to control it. Once she learned, everything else would fall into place. And she wasn't going to let the experience haunt her forever. She was determined to come out on top, she was going to master her affinity and be strong. She wasn't going to be a weakling anymore. [i][color=00BFFF]> nvm > sorry, I feel a little overwhelmed by everything[/color][/i] [i][color=f0d705]> Yeah, me too I guess. > But I hear that’s normal, isn’t it? You know, big changes, new place, new people. > Pairing system probably freaks some people out, but that’s life! Hopefully they’ll adjust quickly. > I’m sure you’ll be okay ^_^[/color][/i] Lilie found herself smiling appreciatively, her heart swelling at his messages. That was exactly what she needed to hear right now. She brought her phone down to her chest, grateful for Aaron's reassurance. Yeah, she would be okay. Things would be okay. Savoring the moment, she made sure to let him know how grateful she was. [i][color=00BFFF]> That means a lot to me > Thanks ♡[/color][/i] As she was about to consider whether or not she should bid him goodnight, she suddenly remembered that she never told him what had happened once they went their separate ways. [i][color=00BFFF]> OH OH OH SO > I think I'm cursed because my vampire left. Twice.[/color][/i] [i][color=f0d705]> Really? What happened?? > What like they just left you alone? Or they’re literally gone?[/color][/i] [i][color=00BFFF]> the lady that came for me was an Eve. Arianna chose to leave the Academy, and another Eve named Ikelos came. But after we met, I went out to try to find you and Salem. I ran into one of our neighbors, then this countess came and said Ike left. He gave me a letter but it didn't say why he left. > and this Mariette is > I dont know what to make of her > She said some weird stuff and she read my diary!!! >:[[/color][/i] The splurge was unintended, but she had been [i]dying[/i] to get that off of her chest. Because there was no way anyone else would consider that normal, right? [i][color=f0d705]> Oh wow > A lot to unpack there > But I’d say talk to her about it? It’s not really appropriate for me to speak on that, heh.[/color][/i] Or maybe everyone here was just insane. Geez, Aaron, have a [i]little [/i]sympathy! [i][color=00BFFF]> ¬_¬ > Idk about that > I'll tell you more about it tomorrow[/color][/i] 'Cause just thinking about it was starting to rattle her again! Still, she realized she had spent a little too much time talking about herself, and she never asked what had happened after they had departed. [i][color=00BFFF]> More importantly, what happened with you? You said you had to go right? What happened?[/color][/i] [i][color=f0d705]> Oh, right.[/color][/i] Yikes, that was never a good way to start things off. [i][color=f0d705]> My partner and I had to go to an important thing, he needed me to come home and get ready. > Actually, Salem was there too! Though I guess that makes sense, since he’s Lucan’s mage.[/color][/i] Her eyes widened again, her mouth opening in surprise. He saw Salem! Goodness, the first thing she was going to do was profusely apologize to the poor guy, he probably thought they had ditched him or something. [i][color=00BFFF]> im so happy you saw him!! I was so scared that he would be mad > at least you guys got to spend more time together[/color][/i] [i][color=00BFFF]> I had to stay in an office like a child that got reprimanded >.< > so what did you guys end up doing together?[/color][/i] [i][color=f0d705]> A meeting with the Queen and Princess Ryner as well as Lady Sinnenodel. Kind of a big deal! No wonder Count Varis pulled me away early.[/color][/i] Lilie hesitated for a moment, eyes narrowing at what she just read. No way, he was just pulling her leg, right? [i][color=00BFFF]> What > wait seriously > you went to see the Queen????[/color][/i] [i][color=f0d705]> Yeah, I think she and Lady Sinnenodel were here for business or something.[/color][/i] Whoa. That was a big deal! And Aaron was sort of just treating it as is. But that's like, huge, right? Squinting at her phone, she scrunched her face in thought. Lady Sinnenodel, was that his vampire? He did say he was in that dorm. No, that must have been someone else. The head of the house or something? She felt like she should know this, but she couldn't remember for the life of her at the moment. [i][color=00BFFF]> uh > that sounded like it was a stressful time[/color][/i] [i][color=f0d705]> … Yes XD > Their families butt heads on a lot of issues so there’s usually tension, heh. [/color][/i] Tensions between the families? How do you have tensions with the [i]Queen[/i]? Isn't her word final? There was so much of this that Lilie didn't understand, and she decided that there was no point in trying to, either. At the end of the day, it really wasn't any of her business. Still, hearing that Aaron was stressed did worry her a little bit, and she decided to pay him back for him assuring her earlier. [i][color=00BFFF]> sounds complicated > but the good part is that its over! And then tomorrow is going to be a good day![/color][/I][/hider] As Lilie yawned, she realized that she should probably get ready for bed. Making sure her phone was on her nightstand, she forced herself to get up, her legs protesting as she went into the bathroom. Pulling her clothes off, she rubbed her eyes before jumping into the shower, the warmth of the water nearly making her fall asleep standing/ She managed to clean herself without incident, and once done she pulled on her nightgown, rolling her now aching shoulder. Right, she had nearly forgotten about that. She figured she could sleep it off and be right as raining in the morning--evening. Man, this backwards schedule-thing was going to be such a struggle. Getting comfortable in bed, she pulled out her diary as she jotted down her many, many thoughts, constantly looking at her phone. Aaron hadn't responded yet, and as much as she wanted to wait, she was slowly losing the battle with her sleepiness, her handwriting getting bubblier as she wrote. Once she finished writing, she was about to put it back when she remembered that Mariette had found it. Pausing for a moment, she shook her head. Now that she had expressed she didn't like it, she was sure the vampire wouldn't read it again. She went ahead and put it back, making herself comfortable in bed before checking her phone. Still no response from Aaron. As much as she liked writing down her private thoughts, it had done wonders to relieve her stress and tension to talk to someone about it. Fortunately she was so tired that even her more negative thinking was quelled. She really did appreciate him listening, a small smile on her face as she mentally thanked him. Tapping her phone to her chin, she decided to send him one last message before she would go ahead and pass out. [i][color=00BFFF]> If you ever wanna talk or anything just let me know, okay? I have to keep my first friend close! :D[/color][/i] [/indent][hr][/indent] [sub][right][@MsMorningStar][@Obscene Symphony][/right][/sub]