[h1][b][center]Plot Point[/center][/b][/h1] [hr] Year 4256 1st day of the month Olfaccium Mid-Summer Nation of Sight Shimmer Town - The Shimmering Fin (The Cult of Insight's local base of operations) Sightless Syella watched as Sightless to be De'laire sang happily to herself. "The plants are growing! The sun is shinning! Happy Olfaccium to you!" She sang while locking one of the cult's prisoners into place. "You stomach's growling? Must have forgotten to have fed you! Happy Olfaccium to yoooooouuuu!" "Two weeks?!" The prisoner asked exasperatedly. "It's only been tw-" De'laire cut the prisoner off, using her magic to snatch the sound of his voice and manipulate it for her own means. "I do believe I HADN'T FINISHED!" She screamed more than sang. The man suddenly screamed in pain as he desperately struggled to cover his ears with his shackled hands. "Happy Olfaccium to yoooooooooooouuuuuuuuu!" She sang over the man's screams. Sightless Syella sighed in disapproval. De'laire was enjoying her job far too much. De'laire's job was to question and torture the prisoners not toy with them as she did. It disgusted Syella. "MAKE IT STOP! MAKE IT STOP!" The prisoner cried with tears in his eyes. "Oh... sorry, sorry. Forgot I was still doing it... Silly, silly me." De'laire said with an innocent giggle. The screams stopped. All that could be heard was the prisoner's labored breaths. "Damn Crazed bitch..." The prisoner muttered under his breath. De'laire whipped out a knife so fast that Sightless Syella nearly missed it. Without warning, she lounged the knife towards the man's heart. [color=a187be]"De'laire stop!"[/color] Sightless Syella shouted at the top of her lungs as the man screamed in pain. De'laire stopped immediately, the tip of the knife having already pierced the man's skin. De'laire cocked her head as if confused. Her eyes slowly turning towards the knife in her hand. "Weird..." De'laire said with a frown. "How did that get there?" The man whimpered silently, no longer trusting himself to speak. [color=a187be]"Put down the knife, De'laire..."[/color] Sightless Syella said calmly in her dry Sightless voice. "Ah... yes, yes..." De'laire said absentmindedly as she put away the knife. "We mustn't be killing our prisoners, now. Now then, shall we get to questioning?" "I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING NEW TO TELL YOU! I SWEAR!" the man shouted desperately. "You always ask the same questions! What new answers could I possibly have?" "Oh silly" De'laire said gleefully. "I'm sure you'll think of something..." [hr] Sightless Syella felt exhausted. She got no pleasure from monitoring De'laire as the woman did her work. It was the first day of Olfaccium today. The first day of a new month. The first day of a new month was typically something to be celebrated, with parades and festivals in the streets. People would gather in drones to celebrate the new month, with each month representing a different one of the five senses gifted to the people by the Lord of Senses. This month the celebration would have recognized the sense of smell. Flowers and roses petals would have decorated the streets. Vendors selling prized and rare spices lining the markets. Food stalls selling specially made spicy foods from exotic places. Games set up for the children, forcing them to use their sense of smell to guess what was in front of them. Parades, dancing, one whole day packed full of celebration... Today however, there would be no such celebration. Choas has broken out in the streets of Shimmertown the day prior. People attacking and murdering friends and family alike. No there would be no celebration today. Instead, today would likely be a day of mourning. Well... that is until the Panic grabbed hold of everyone. As the Chaos ensued the previous day, the cult had quietly gone around, from building to building, procuring everyone's food stores. The city was barred off from the outside world, and now the people had no food. Panic was guaranteed. The clan would be there to help though. Once a day, they would have people gather around the inn to preform a daily ritual of the clan's. Afterwards they would select a few volunteers from the crowd to be enlightened. Enlightenment would come with the promise of a full stomach in the coming days, or so the clan would say... When that was all done, the clan would ration a small portion of the food they had to the people. Food was power in a land without it. The clan was not blind to just how powerful the promise of food could be. "Sightless Syella." Came a dry voice from behind her. The voice belonged to one of her fellow Sightless Talne. "I've had the locations, which you were looking for, mapped out." The Previous night she had gone to Sightless Talne requesting his assistance on locating where the pact makers may be hiding. They had avoided the Insight for one night already. That could only mean they either stayed awake the whole night, or they knew to sleep while bathed in light. Sightless Syella was not skilled in locating places covered in light. It was too easy to miss lit up areas with the Insight, since the Insight could not view light. Only a few Sightless were good noticing such places. Talne was one such Sightless, which is why Syella had come to him. "I am curious though... why might you be needing such information. Sightless Nieffar specifically told us not that Vetius said not to chase after the pact makers. He wants them to come to us." [color=a187be]"And they shall. However it's best to be aware of their movement otherwise we will be caught unaware. We want things to go down on our own terms. Not theirs"[/color] Sightless Talne smirked as if amused. "That's not unwise of you... You know Nieffar would have us believe you incompetent..." [color=a187be]"Would he now?"[/color] "Yes he would." Talne said. "I suggest that whatever you are planning to do, make sure it succeeds. It would be a shame to see him proven right." [color=a187be]"I'll keep that in mind."[/color] Syella replied. [hr] [color=a187be]"These are the places that were covered in light over the past night."[/color] Syella said to Talya. She had given the map to Tayla and was currently going over it with her. [color=a187be]"You are to identify where they are staying. Track them. Follow them, but do not engage the group. We only need one of them. Your priority, the dirtied man with the staff. Bring him to me, Tayla, and you'll be forgiven."[/color]