When she saw Sara looking at her like that, Kate realized just how far she was pushing this. She had gotten to scary qualities with that outburst, like she wanted to beat someone's face in because things didn't make sense. She couldn't stand that. Her life had been led out of the darkness by those willing to stick around her and that which could not break, like math and logical sense. Everything that happened had some sort of cause or trigger to make it happen, and that was the truth. Nothing supplanted this, because even if you couldn't find the cause...that didn't mean it wasn't there. Titans operated in the sun because the light gave them energy. Cannons fired because of black powder. Everything falls to earth because of gravity. Titan-people MUST be able to change for a reason. Otherwise, [i]everyone[/i] would do it! And they [i]didn't[/i] all do it...right? Moving on! Eventually, the next stage was going to happen. Someone would have to take Eren away. This was the part that Mikasa and Armin dreaded, but when they even showed the inclination to interfere, Katherine stopped them with [color=f7941d]"You must let this pass. We have to make them understand."[/color], and the way to do this was to get the facts, the truth. Kate didn't believe Eren was hiding this. She didn't believe he was capable off hiding [i]anything[/i]. So! Where does that leave us? Well, they couldn't do anything with him until he awoke, and damn-well [i]nobody[/i] was touching him while he was asleep, because this...had been where Kate would actually pull some rank. As soon as someone even [i]tried[/i] to lay a finger on him before he reached the dungeon, or even as they were locking him up, Kate hit them with a [color=f7941d]"You [i]know[/i] they'll want to know everything about him, study everything they can. He has to stay [i]alive[/i] for that, and what comes after."[/color], and then if they asked what she meant by later...they just got this glare like 'Isn't that enough for you, already?!', aaand they'd decide to go. As a result, Kate WAS down there in the dungeon. It actually made sense, keeping him here. The other Titans grew lax and lazy at night. It'd be hard for him to get the power of the sun down here, and there was hardly enough room for him to do anything other than crush himself in these walls, anyway. Of course, that would crush her too... They'd let her wait for Eren to wake up down here, thinking she'd terrorize him because...apparently, some people seeing her at work were afraid of her. They thought the Shredders were just plain vicious, when they were more useful. Anyway, he did awaken, and as soon as he realized he was in chains, he was more than a little frantic, like he didn't know what was going on. Did he [i]not?[/i] [color=8dc73f]"What...? Hey! Can anybody hear me?! HEY!!"[/color] [color=f7941d]"I'm right here, Eren. Stop shouting."[/color] The dark didn't help, sitting in the shadows as she'd been. Katherine stood up and approached the cell. [color=f7941d]"I need you to talk to me as though your life depended on it."[/color] [color=8dc73f]"Why? What's happening?"[/color] [color=f7941d]"Your life is in danger, like I said. Don't you know why?"[/color] [color=8dc73f]"How could I? I've been out-cold since I...!"[/color] He looked at her, uncertain, trying to fill in the blanks. He told her he'd saved Armin, tried to get out, but the Titan's mouth snapped shut on his [i]arm[/i]- He suddenly looked at his own, expecting it not to be there. From there, he was hopelessly confused, because he didn't remember anything properly after that. He said he must've gotten out, been wrong about his arm being bitten off. He [i]must've[/i] been... He still had it here! Kate wrote in her diary, trying to understand. Was he in a daze like all the other Titans? No, it couldn't have been... That thing was Eren, alright. To hold that kind of rage, trying to tear apart the other Titans with his bare hands? Kate interrupted him now, and this was where Sara would come in, overhearing his confused words and the brunette setting him straight. [color=f7941d]"Eren, you grew to a height of 15 meters and slaughtered a bunch of Titans. And if you don't know anything about that, you're in alot of trouble. More than you've ever been through in your life."[/color]