[h2]House Scion[/h2] [h3]Affiliation[/h3] Loop [h3]Status and Role[/h3] Power brokers and negotiators for House Durad [h3]Seat of power[/h3] House Scion is based in Warwickshire, England. The reigning family of House Scion, the Creightons, operate an estate including a stone country house, grounds, offices, and conference areas. [h3]History[/h3] House Scion is reportedly descended in an unbroken line from the original vampire house. Their influence in Britain began during the Roman occupation, and in fact their estate is built atop a (now subterranean) Roman homestead, bath complex, barracks, and catacomb. House Scion is generally respected by old houses, as they have a reputation for long memories and sober, reflective mediation of conflicts. They have deep pockets and deeper roots in both the UK and the colonies. However, much of their influence is soft influence. They project more power than they have. If it came to all-out hostilities, they could perhaps position other houses between themselves and a threat, and one-on-one House Scion operatives tend to punch above their weight. However, they cannot field the fighting forces that some other houses can. They have influence everywhere, but few boots on the ground outside the UK. [h3]Areas of Influence[/h3] • UK • New York, San Francisco • Montreal, Ottawa • Johannesburg • Rio • Melbourne [h3]Notable Characters[/h3] [b]Eldon Creighton[/b] – Vampire. Pureblood. Head of House Scion. Born 1604. [b]Ada Creighton[/b] – Vampire. Current matriarch of House Scion. Turned by her husband, 1639. [b]Mr. Dutch[/b] – Vampire. Not his original name. Turned 1900 by Eldon Creighton. Negotiator and fixer for House Scion. Referred to alternately as “Mr. Dutch,” “Dutch,” “The Dutchman,” “the Afrikaner,” and “the Boer.” Blond, slightly baby-faced, small and muscular. Wears a suit in a way that suggests he wants to take it off and put on work clothes. [b]Catherine Cash[/b] – Human familiar. American. Mr. Dutch’s blood doll. Post-graduate degree in political science. Proficient researcher, very analytical. Effectively Chief of Staff to both Mr. Dutch and Yolanthe. Brunette. Rubenesque. [b]Yolanthe Normand[/b] – Vampire. Originally Cameroonian. Turned 1884 by an unknown vampire. Attaché to the Creightons, advisor to (and sometimes manager of) Mr. Dutch. Self-made after she was abandoned by the vampire who made her. Hunted her sire from Cameroon to Egypt to the UK and eventually killed him on the Creighton’s grounds. Her name is an assumed one. Tall, fit, very strong, large features, large natural hair that is often pulled back severely when on the job. [h3]Objectives[/h3] House Scion’s fortunes have been inexorably linked to House Durad. If the peace fails, if the Shroud falls, then Scion’s wealth, influence, status, and relevance are all threatened. A full failure of the peace would effectively demonstrate that they lacked either the capacity or the will to do what they needed to do. To this end, House Scion’s goal is to maintain the Shroud, to try and pacify the Elderidge family and the houses that pledge them allegiance. Should that fail, they will maintain the peace through whatever means they can. [center]*[/center] Hope this house, these politics, and these characters are intriguing enough for people to want to participate! I look forward to seeing what other ideas people have in this world. I'm going to go ahead and start a thread in the next couple of days and see if it tickles peoples' fancy. Hope to see you there!