[hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190216/17a1a5310fa44fd56911012a404002d8.png[/img][/center] [i]Since the twentieth century, mankind has always made advancements in technology of medicine and the television to the internet and the nuclear bomb. In 1964, the great minds of our planet met up in Paris to discuss the possibility of human augmentation. Plastic surgery and implants were becoming more common as the century was ending. The conference discussed the ethical and moral quandaries of human augmentation only being made available to wealthy, developed countries. It also talked about the “need” and “want” in human augmentation, and the potential for human augmentation over the next century. After the discussions, The Code of Ethics on Human Augmentation was shown to the world. The world didn't take it seriously since it created standards for a form of technology that is still in its infancy. And soon after, world leaders at the time were too forced on the second major period of globalization and scientist began their shift towards global warming. The world soon forgot about the code until the year 2025. The Digital Revolution was still going strong as holograms are becoming popular as a form of entertainment. The Middle East finally saw peace for the first time in decades with the end of the civil war and the defeat of ISIL; however, terrorist attacks are on a rise. NATO Russian relations are more strained than ever because of the annexation and puppet of Ukraine. The gap between rich and poor nations got worse with third world countries being affected the most. And the European Union was on the verge of collage as three more countries left. However, the world has advanced technologically and more countries are adopting liberal social politics like same-sex marriage. And suddenly, augmentation started to become popular in the world. It started with elf ears and then advanced into prosthesis. And the world witnessed cyberware becoming a fashion statement overnight. Transhumanism starts to become popular with the youth. Russia, along with several Central and Eastern European countries, made all of them illegal, citing that it was going against human nature. The augmented citizens are facing discrimination and brutality from both citizens and police every single day while living in separated districts. At the moment, several European countries are requesting for a United Nations investigation into the law and whether they are violating human rights or not.[/i] [hr]