Arguth took his food and drink in relative quiet, his twin shadows falling into a familiar spot in his wake. To his fiery core there was at last a sense of peace to the everburning practitioner as his friends, what some would even call sworn brothers, returned to him safe and unharmed thanks to the aide of these mercenaries. How the group had made the push through the few infected to scuttle ahead of the inferno was a mystery. Indeed it lent credit to the idea of incredibly well hidden secret gateways the Warden had ingeniously woven into the stone of his prison. Why or how the bugs had found them was a mystery, if indeed they had. What bothered him now was the disharmony. Like looking through a veil, Arguth let his senses slip from his body to feel the world around him on a more spiritual and emotional level. The source of the disfunction was built upon the so-called leader of the group and the rogue who had allied with the shadows, but the true threat lingered in the corner away from their party. The woman seemed frail to the naked eye and huddled for warmth, out of fright, trauma. In this enhanced state of sense it was like looking upon a specter. Hanging from her shoulders like a thick cloak was a barely contained urge to violently lash out. With the two bickering at each other and the other members unwilling to intervene it would fall to himself to keep that one in line. "Blessings of the pyre, bound by ash and coal. Breathe life to me." The chant was low, a mere hum to only those with the strongest of hearing, as the scorched warrior rose to stride across the room. Each footfall to Macy was an explosion. Like him, she would see the intention now. A face of burning reds and yellows danced across her perceptions that screamed at her and [b][u]her alone[/u][/b]. [color=ed1c24][b][i]STRIKE[/i][/b][/color] Ignorant of any warnings from Kris or Scar, Arguth stepped into striking range of Macy and spread his arms wide. It would only take the blood of someone stronger than herself to ease the bloody lust raging within her. With his stomach exposed and the spirit of the ever burning taunting her, there was no stopping it. The twins were quick to stop any who tried to step in the way, long hooked daggers in their hands.