There's definitely people I've forgotten from this list, but I am exhausted so please forgive me ^_^ [right][h2][i][color=#fdbdbd]M[/color][color=#feb7b7]y[/color] [color=#ffaaaa]V[/color][color=#ffa4a4]a[/color][color=#ffa0a0]l[/color][color=#fe9c9c]e[/color][color=#fe9898]n[/color][color=#fd9494]t[/color][color=#fc9191]i[/color][color=#fb8f8f]n[/color][color=#fa8c8c]e[/color][color=#f98989]'[/color][color=#fa8080]s[/color] [color=#fd6f6f]D[/color][color=#fd6969]a[/color][color=#fc6464]y[/color] [color=#fb5858]P[/color][color=#fa5555]e[/color][color=#fa5252]e[/color][color=#f94f4f]p[/color][color=#f84c4c]s[/color] [/i][/h2][color=#fdbdbd]≎[/color][color=#fdbaba]≎[/color][color=#feb7b7]≎[/color][color=#feb4b4]≎[/color][color=#feb1b1]≎[/color][color=#feadad]≎[/color][color=#ffaaaa]≎[/color][color=#ffa7a7]≎[/color][color=#ffa4a4]≎[/color][color=#ffa2a2]≎[/color][color=#ffa0a0]≎[/color][color=#fe9e9e]≎[/color][color=#fe9c9c]≎[/color][color=#fe9a9a]≎[/color][color=#fe9898]≎[/color][color=#fd9696]≎[/color][color=#fd9494]≎[/color][color=#fc9292]≎[/color][color=#fc9191]≎[/color][color=#fb8f8f]≎[/color][color=#fb8e8e]≎[/color][color=#fa8c8c]≎[/color][color=#fa8b8b]≎[/color][color=#f98989]≎[/color][color=#fa8686]≎[/color][color=#fa8383]≎[/color][color=#fb7f7f]≎[/color][color=#fb7c7c]≎[/color][color=#fc7979]≎[/color][color=#fc7676]≎[/color][color=#fd7272]≎[/color][color=#fd6f6f]≎[/color][color=#fd6c6c]≎[/color][color=#fd6969]≎[/color][color=#fc6666]≎[/color][color=#fc6464]≎[/color][color=#fc6161]≎[/color][color=#fc5e5e]≎[/color][color=#fb5b5b]≎[/color][color=#fb5858]≎[/color][color=#fb5757]≎[/color][color=#fa5555]≎[/color][color=#fa5454]≎[/color][color=#fa5252]≎[/color][color=#f95151]≎[/color][color=#f94f4f]≎[/color][color=#f84e4e]≎[/color][color=#f84c4c]≎[/color][/right] [indent][color=pink][b][color=#fdbdbd]๑[/color][color=#feb5b5]۩[/color][color=#feacac]↛[/color][color=#ffa4a4]Y[/color][color=#fe9f9f]o[/color][color=#fe9999]u[/color] [color=#fc9090]A[/color][color=#fa8d8d]r[/color][color=#f98989]e[/color] [color=#fc7878]L[/color][color=#fd6f6f]o[/color][color=#fc6767]v[/color][color=#fc6060]e[/color][color=#fb5858]d[/color][color=#fa5454]↚[/color][color=#f95050]۩[/color][color=#f84c4c]๑[/color] [/b][/color] [indent][i][list][*][color=pink]☼ [@BlueSky44] ☼[/color][list][*] [color=pink]You've been my best friend since we were in what, second grade now? By my half asleep brain's math skills, we've known each other for about 13 years now. Ironically, I think joining the RP Guild brought us closer together and has been an amazing way to keep in touch with you as I'm off at school. You are incredibly brave, compassionate, and selfless. You're the Banner to my Stark. The Xavier to my Magneto at times as well ;) and the Black Widow to my Hawkeye.[/color][/list] [*][color=pink]☼ [@Lady Amalthea] ☼[/color][list][*] [color=pink]You have taught me so much about RP - more than I think you even know. Before I Rped in your groups, I was doing one liners on Facebook Harry Potter RP groups. But you have also taught me a lot about life and the world - hell, I joined your group as a high schooler and I'm almost about to graduate college and I'm still learning more about what's important in the world.[/color][/list] [*][color=pink]☼ [@LadyRunic] ☼[/color][list][*] [color=pink]You are witty, clever, and humble. I love hearing you rant and I also love your ideas. Plus who else am I going to talk about Lucifer with? :P You are an amazing person and I hope that you can see that too one day, even if it isn't right now. [/color][/list] [*][color=pink]☼ [@FantasyChic] ☼[/color][list][*] [color=pink]The Queen Bitch. You are spunky, sassy, and take shit from no one. Not only have you made my life 1000% easier as chat mod, but you are a really good friend and are someone that I can count on. Though you still love pink so... We'll have to fight to the death eventually (and yes, I realize this text is pink as I write that...Oh well, that's just how it is sometimes...)[/color][/list] [*][color=pink]☼ [@Nallore] ☼[/color][list][*] [color=pink]Girl, you are so sweet you probably make dentists so happy from all of the cavities you'd give people! Jk, but seriously, nicest person I have ever met. You are so compassionate and understanding and I also don't think I've ever seen you mad... maybe once? And even then you were still a doll. [/color][/list] [*][color=pink]☼ [@KazAlkemi] ☼[/color][list][*] [color=pink]I still laugh over the fact that my brother saw your username and assumed you were my boyfriend when I was DMing you. You are so creativity, passionate, and driven. You breathe life into everything you do and all of your characters are incredibly unique. Plus, you have an amazing personality and are a good friend.[/color][/list] [/list][/i][/indent][/indent]