Work in Progress sheet. Very WIP. I have done some edits. [b]Flag:[/b][img][/img] [b]Nation Name:[/b]Hsir Confederacy [b]Type of Government:[/b]Republic [b]Head(s) of Government:[/b]Speaker Angor [b]Economy (Main imports, exports, industries, etc.):[/b] [b]Imports:[/b]Wood, Meat, Leather, Cotton, Sugar, and Fish [b]Exports:[/b]Heat Crystals, Precious Metals, Ice, and Stone [b]Industries:[/b]Mining, Metal refinement, and Underground Farming [b] Unique Technologies:[/b]Heat Crystals and Cores [b]Heat Crystals:[/b]Quartz crystals charged with fire magic that when stimulated by electrical current produce light. The crystals can be recharged with fire magic when it runs out but every subsequent recharging increases likely hood of the crystal shattering. [b]Cores:[/b]Intricate metal cylinders that act as heat source for heating, and cooking primarily. They are charged by fire magic and sort of like a magic battery. Due to durability of being metal they can be recharged much more then Heat Crystals. [b]Primary Species:[/b]Ragors [b]Population:[/b]67 Million [b]Culture:[/b]The Ragors have always had a mistrust of outsiders and that has lent the Hsir Confederacy to rely on isolation. If a idea or technology from outside mountains is discovered the Hsir are ready to determine if it is useful then incorporate it if beneficial. The alphabet used in Hsir Confederacy is that of the native dwarven population of mountain that are long extinct and the spoken language has many dwarven words. Hardwork, family, tradition, religion, and fearlessness are trademarks of the Hsir Confederacy people. Every home has a shrine dedicated to prayer and multiple generations will live in same home together. [b]Religion and Other Beliefs:[/b]The religion in Hsir Confederacy is ancient having first developed in ancient jungle home when the Ragors were tribes. It is rooted in darkness and death worship with pit caves greater then 300 meters in depth seen as great holy sites. The ancient creation myth of the Ragors is that they simply rose from the darkness. Darkness is seen as something that is protective and safe. The shrine in each home dedicated to religion is a room that is without any lighting. The death worship is more so death isn't seen as a large negative. Souls of the dead will simply join ancestors in the darkness where light does not touch. The great holy sites that are deep pit caves are seen as where one can commune with spirits of ancestors. [b]Location/Territories:[/b]Karakus Continent largest mountain range [b]Climate:[/b]Mountain [b]Military:[/b] Due to the topography of mountains Hsir Confedercy call home the military is primarily ground forces. The ground forces divided into three groups within the Hsir. First are the armored divisions which operate artillery and tanks of the Hsir. Secondly is the infantry which rely on the third group motorized for transportation. The motorized section of ground army also have many civilian roles which them being in charge of maintain the network of train based transportation that run above and in the mountains. Second most numerous portion of military are the wyvern riders. The geography of Hsir Confederacy has made development of any airports difficult so instead wyvern are still ridden for air combat. A wyvern will usually have a rider and then another on the back with a high caliber rifle. In the past mages would also ride wyvern and through them casting magic the wyvern could breath fire but its a dying skill not actively trained anymore. Lastly the Hsir have a very tiny handful of ships meant mostly for protecting what little trade does come to port. The ships are poorly maintained and mostly meant for show as the real defenses on coast are artillery and other static defenses. [b]Magic Prevalence/Usage:[/b]Magic is part of life, every individual of the Ragors species can use magic. Without magic the Ragors would of likely never been able to live in the mountain range. The magic that average member of Ragros can wield is simple fire magic where they can channel its energy but not preform a spell like creating actual fire. True mages are distinguished by having wings and are capable of great magical feats like summoning fire out of thin air. [b]History/ Background Info:[/b]The Hsir Confederacy was founded 8 years ago after the great cataclysm rocked the world. Old trade routes to various nations and city states in mountains dried up causing mass famines. To avoid total collapse of civilization created by Ragors the mountains were forced to unite into a confederation. The name Hsir was chosen as the ancient holy city of Hsir was chosen as the capital. Some estimates put the deaths from famine in the millions. (Very WIP) [b]Nation Relations (Can be as simple as a brief two line summary for your neighbors):[/b] Isolation has served the Hsir Confederacy well in solidifying its power. Trade relations have been kept minimal, especially with Hastur where the border is almost closed completely. Immigration into the Hsir Confedercy has been outlawed since its formation. However is a desire for more trade to import resources not within mountains so the Hsir are open to talks with neighbors except for the Hastur.