[h3]The Young Buck[/h3] With hearing Tabby's voice, that could easily fry his sensitive hearing for a while, James' small smile became a grin. It was, interestingly enough, music to his ears. Though, seeing her scarlet dipped face and eyes of fine silver upon him, raised thoughts about her question to him. His brother's words seemed to be more true than he recognized, again. Though, that usually tended to be the case. It was funny when someone else realized his habit of staying to himself mostly. It was one of the things that people sometimes used to lump him with Clara as a hippie as well. 'Hermits and hippies' seemed to generally have the same sort of mental imagery. Though, these thoughts were taking him off track. "I suppose so...though, John needed tea, so, I came down to get it." He raised the box into clear view for her. "Besides, I thought it'd be nice to come see you..." He paused, realizing what he just said. "A-and the store mascot, George, of course." Buck gestured to the plant potted beside them. Though, with his hearing, he caught Ororo's voice among the others mention something that Tony was trying to show to the others. With the way that their tones were carried, there seemed to be some weight to the words. This piqued his interest when his head turned to their direction. The other female of the group, Loki, he believed, asked the question why. Though, in the context it was presented, it didn't sound too good. Thus, his eyes turned back to Tabitha and he gestured with his head. "Maybe we should go see what's going on over there." Buck suggested, taking a step or two over. It wasn't too close, but it was enough to show attentiveness.