Sara quietly hummed, as she managed to catch his silent submission on being able to cooperate, and place his trust into her, as well as the rest of the Scouts. Even while she kept those intimidating yet gentle blue eyes upon the teen, the words of her past continued to bother her. [i]'Find my son. Protect Eren Yeager. Sara, his life will be in your hands. Find him..please'[/i]. These specific words were all part of a ten-year puzzle she had yet to solve. What was the significance of it? What made Yeager so important? Her gut was telling her that only he was her best lead, as to finding out 'why'. [color=00aeef]"Hm"[/color], she again quietly hummed to herself. That was when she nodded, and gave a very small yet thin smile. [color=00aeef]"Rest well, Yeager. Thank you for your cooperation"[/color], she said, before starting to making her departure to the private barracks, silently satisfied to now know who he is, as well as remembering on what her goal was. Sara didn’t even look back at Kate, while she was making her departure, until she stopped on the spot. [color=00aeef]”Miss Bellows”[/color], she said, before turning her head a little bit, to see the other recruit within her peripheral vision. [color=00aeef]”A word?”[/color].