The early morning winds were rattling the windows of the library as Jessica sat in the corner of the library. Though the world she saw now before her was not that of the library but the mystical adventurous world of her favourite book. Her green eyes flicking from left to right as the words leaped from the pages before her and delivered the world that she sought to hide with in. This was her life though she would never describe it as perfect, nor would she say that it was as adventure laden as some of the others she had read about but she was happy. She found solace in the fact that she could live in hundreds of worlds and live thousands of lives by simply reading the next word. But her world was not so peaceful as the ones that she often read about, she was one of the few outside the war that knew of it, and she had wanted to keep it that way, A mere human had no rights meddling in the affairs of those that could be called gods. She had read the tales of how it all started, and she knew, she knew what it would do to people that got involved. She had her own secrets that she supressed even from herself. It was all over the news nets a few years back that it came crashing down on her. A woman had been found using powers that couldn’t be explained by science, she had brought down an entire sky scraper with nothing but the power of her mind, and it was watching this that Jessica discovered that the world she lived in was a lie, one constructed by the mega corporations that controlled the government. The story she had read, or what she had thought was purely story, had in fact been the real tales of a man that shared her last name, and how he had begun this war against Mother… not a person now, if what she had discovered was true, no it was now an organization that terrified her to the very core. It was due to this that she was so skittish, new people, loud noises, nearly anything could make her flinch and shy away, she had no way of knowing and wasn’t sure she wanted to know. Who was out there and which side of the war they were on. Her view was that Mother was in the wrong, but she was just a human, weak and pathetic, compared to the supers. New York, was nice this time of year though, she loved the winter snows, and felt more comfortable reading inside when it snowed outside. The city hadn’t really changed from they way the older stories described it from back in the 2000’s though now the year was actually closer to 2200’s and there were few places that she could find the physical books that she now enjoyed so much. While she could always use her optic lenses to connect to the net, it wasn’t the same as holding a book in front of you. The historical Library of New York was one of the few places that held paper back books still and one of her favourite haunts, it was the main driving force of her move to New York several years back, she also reasoned that amongst the millions that inhabited the city she would be safer and less likely to get involved with the hidden war. After all she had a device around her neck at all times, one that it is said Mother will do anything to recover, what to anyone else would look nothing more than an outdated data storage device, was actually a proxy GPS disabler, it had been updated years ago to emit a Bluetooth signal that disables all GPS signals around it, but with the knowledge she held, she figured that loss was worth it, especially if her quiet life helped someone, in some way.