[center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/504242102507405313/504263565885177856/Yomodachi.png[/img][h3]Quirk: [color=black]Black[/color][color=gray]-And-[/color]White[/h3] [img]https://www.cassiehoward.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/divider-cassie.png[/img][/center] The commotion outside was getting to a point that it would be hard to keep contained, unless a guiding hand ushered them indoors. Azukina wasn't necessarily the person to commit to something such as that, but Goudo's words inspired confidence in her, even if she lacked it in herself. A kind of 'believe in the me that believes in you' mentality, as some nerds would put it. With a sense of purpose and duty, followed by a faithful "Yes, sensei," Checkers stood by the front door to gather her fellow classmates. "I'm sorry Sakimoto, I'll tell you later. Could all students please follow me inside to the Assembly Hall?!" Not one who was afraid of projecting her own voice, it carried an aura of authority to it, sounding less like a question and more like an order. Many students were already on their way over, which was good, meaning the rest would likely follow. If they didn't they'd be left outside in the cold, which was a problem more-so for some than others. If they truly cared about being heroes, and becoming kings themselves someday, then they would follow in. Nobody would waste time after committing so much to the exam, after all. Some students passed by her inside the building, prompting the prodigy to follow as well, making her way to the head of the students present. "The Assembly Hall isn't so far. Please, leave your things inside by the front door for now, we will be coming back to get them later in the day." Another student, Souta, made it clear he wanted to antagonise the blue boy. While she didn't fully like Hiroki as a person, they got along well enough to somewhat understand one-another, and she felt he didn't quite warrant that kind of response. Then again, he was more than capable of handling such comments himself, so long as he didn't get too angry in the moment. Without missing her stride, Yomodachi lead the students that followed down the hall. For a supposedly new and under-funded school, everything looked to be in order: classrooms weren't missing desks or chairs, the wood panelling on the ground was shined to a sheen, there were even a couple posters regarding the hero course around, usually the motivational kind. It had that fresh smell in the air of something new, like a room that had just been cleaned spotless, carrying with it the scent of the mountain trees. The inside of the school was noticeably warmer than the outside, though not to an uncomfortable degree to most. Passing by a right turn and then a left, the group came across the central courtyard. The frost from the lone tree within was slowly trickling off the branches, finding residence in a small water feature which was flowing ever-gently. From a certain point-of-view, it almost looked to be raining. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/H0vRWf5.png?1[/img][img]https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/875251238931592176/DBDE0A371866A343A0B0C1677A0DD2CB6AAC2842/[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/H0vRWf5.png?1[/img][/center] They would have plenty of time to gawk at all the fancy new school features in time, for the Assembly Hall was just around the corner. As she had already opened the double doors ahead of time, the students could quickly make their way inside, to which they were greeted with a [url=https://icysquirrel.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/capture27.png]largely empty open room[/url]. It made sense considering they were literally the first students to walk in there, but that didn't make the sight any less depressing. "Please feel free to pick a seat." Added the girl with hair like a chessboard, split evenly between dark and light. "We'll be starting soon." Students, not just those that had come together, entered the open room and began picking seats out from underneath the indecisive. After a short time Yomodachi chose her own seat towards the centre-left of the front row, closest to where a small girl seemed to waiting impatiently. She was tapping her foot and was looking directly at the entrance to the assembly, where she was waiting on two teachers to make themselves known. Three, actually, however at least the third called in to let her know he would be late...