[b]Name[/b]: Wraith [b]Age[/b]: 24 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Allegiance[/b]: System [b]Classification[/b]: Project [b]Appearance[/b]: [hider=Wraith in armor][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/IO15eX0.jpg[/IMG][/hider] [b]Abilities[/b]: Pathogen manipulation: This ability allows Wraith to create pathogens in the environment around him, to infect his enemies with any disease he chooses, so long as it is not genetic. As such, he is immune to all diseases. [b]Bio[/b]: Wraith was captured at an extremely early age, and never knew who his parents were, he was also too young when they experimented upon him to remember the agony of it. The System was merciless towards him, injecting him with many different chemicals. His mental state was recorded as feeble, and the scientists who were responsible for him were unsure if they would be successful in making him into a powerful project. Despite this, Wraith was trained in advanced martial arts, and taught how to use different types of System weaponry, in anticipation of him being a soldier if the experiments failed. It was soon discovered, however, that they were a radical success. Wraith unknowlingly infected a large amount of System scientists with pathogens, and created a disease previously unknown to man. He had a large body count before scientists finally realized it was Wraith who was causing this, and they had him locked in a quarantined room. Every day a scientist would come into the room, wearing a newly invented suit made specifically to keep out all disease, and would try to help him learn how to control his ability. He slowly made progress, and after about a year, he could finally fully control his power. Soon, he was given an assignment, but he refused, as it was entirely too cruel to innocent people. Using his ability, he killed many System scientists as he tried to escape the facility, but just before he did, he was sedated by a scientist wearing DCA (Disease Control Armor), and transported back to a lab. There, he was injected with serum, too much for anyone to handle, and his mind cracked. His memories became twisted and strange to him. After that, the only thing he believed he could fully rely on was the System. He was indoctrinated into believing them to be his savior, and that the rebellion was made up of criminals and scum who wanted nothing but to disrupt the peace of the System.