[h2]A.L.M.A. Unit "Roxanne"[/h2] Roxanne much preferred it when plans went as intended. Unfortunately, this could not always be so, and it was important to be able to adapt and incorporate any changes as necessary. Lilliana's late arrival was not exceptionally unexpected, and the Automaton expected that Eileen would be able to inform her of their tactical plan. Doctor Chamberlin's presence was less anticipated, but manageable. The further arrival of both a papillon and a vampiric catgirl, however, represented a change in affairs that needed to be actively rectified - especially since Eileen hadn't properly communicated to them what the plan was before jetting off. By the time the Judge chassis reached the first kilometer mark and paused at it, Roxanne had identified the two new arrivals as Maria Falena and Luna Rawl. She could return to them, but that would be an expenditure of unnecessary resources; instead, she spoke through the group's commlink system, stating bluntly 'Greetings, Lilliana, Doctor Chamberlin, Maria, and Luna. I am A.L.M.A Unit "Roxanne", the designated leader of this drop group. If you are not aware of our mission, it is to retrieve a group of lost personnel from a feral world.' As she spoke, data on the planet would upload itself to the data systems of their respective mechs. 'Our current modus operandi is standard search pattern, kilometer-long steps.' There wasn't any particular warmth or chill to the instructions, merely a statement of intent, and with that conveyed, she followed through on it, turning to the East and beginning her second step of the search protocol.