*The pink haired woman's eyes go wide in shock as she releases her grip on the other woman's collar and spins around towards us, opening fire as she does so. An amused smirk spreads across Demiurges face as he catches the projectiles in mid air before dropping them onto the concrete* [color=magenta]Shit![/color] *The woman tries to reload her weapon, but stops when the edge of a glowing, almost crystalline blade is pressed against her throat* [color=silver]Alright. That's enough.[/color] [color=magenta]W-what?[/color] [color=silver]I said that's enough. I've gotten what I've wanted and for that I thank you, but now it's time for this game to end.[/color] [color=magenta]Gotten what you wanted? What the hell are you talking about?[/color] [color=silver]Oh, I thought it was obvious?[/color] *The pink haired woman simply stares at the raven haired one from out the corner of her eye, a confused expression on her face* [color=silver]No? Alright I'll humor you, but just this one time. When I said you gave me what I wanted, I meant the experience.[/color] [color=magenta]What experience?[/color] *The raven haired woman leans in closer* [color=silver]Why the experience of being a victim of course! You wouldn't believe how long it's been since I've gotten into a situation where there was some element of danger involved. Most of the time those I fight offer no challenge whatsoever and winning all the time does get old. So sometimes I like to play the victim, just to remember what it feels like. And you, my friend, played you part perfectly.[/color] *The pink haired woman's eyes get even wider as she moves away from the blade and quickly back peddles toward the bar* [color=magenta]Y...you're insane![/color] *The raven haired woman chuckles as she lowers her sword* [color=silver]No, not insane. Just board.[/color] *The raven haired woman makes a quick slicing motion at her former attacker and watches as the space in that area is briefly bisected, causing a clean horizontal split to appear in the pink haired woman's abdomen. The pink haired woman stares at her lower body for a moment before the two halves seperate, each falling to the ground in different directions. Nodding to herself, the raven haired woman slid her blade into a black sheathe that suddenly seemed to appear on her back, before stretching out her left hand and curling her fingers into a ball. The result of this action was the area of bisected space being mended as though it were never cut to begin with. Letting her arm fall to her side, the woman turns round and starts walking toward us, only to stop a few feet away* [color=silver]Now, I suppose introductions are in order?[/color] *She looks to each of us in turn, including Vinashy, who's currently lurking in the shadows a few feet behind Ainz's group* *Ainz simply stands there in stunned silence for a moment, before finally managing regaining his composure* Ah yes indeed. My name is Momon and these are my companions... *He gestures to Shalltear and Demiurge* [color=silver]Shalltear Bloodfallen, guardian of the First, Second, and Third floors, as well as Demiurge guardian of the Seventh Floor of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, correct?[/color] *Ainz lets out a surprised gasp* How did you know that? *The woman chuckles* [color=silver]The same way I know about you real name, Momonga, or should I say...Ainz Ooal Gown? Titles and names are such trivial things though, so I suppose it doesn't really matter. Oh and Vinashy...[/color] *She looks past us and at the vampire* [color=silver]Come out into the open will you? It's not polite to skulk in the shadows while someone's speaking to you.[/color]