[quote=@ZAVAZggg] *The woman chuckles* [color=silver]The same way I know about you real name, Momonga, or should I say...Ainz Ooal Gown? Titles and names are such trivial things though, so I suppose it doesn't really matter. Oh and Vinashy...[/color] *She looks past us and at the vampire* [color=silver]Come out into the open will you? It's not polite to skulk in the shadows while someone's speaking to you.[/color] [/quote] *He slowly walks out of the shadows, and sweeps into a deep elegant bow.* Your powers of perception are formidable indeed, Mistress. But I do so love the darkness. Might I stay in their comforting embrace a while longer? *He smiles. An actual, genuine smile. No hint of a threat, just pleasantries.* And what is your name, Mistress?