True to her word, the rear guard stamped along at the back of the trio. Her mind fatigued, dragging her lively new body's step. The bestia turned as they walked, drifting through sidesteps and at times following the party backwards as their eyes dutifully trained themselves across the horizon, always drifting back to the geyser of light behind them for what felt like the maximum safe time to witness it. It left a dreary ghost of brightness across her vision every time she swept it, the echo of that terrifying spire painting her surroundings flickering green-red in her eyesight. Between the hills, glimpses of that horizon revealed... Waves. Rolling waves of green, tall grass pierced through with trees radiating from the storm, expanding outward as the fields swelled with life. Irene scratched at her eyes, the backs of her gloves falling away to reveal that this was in fact not a complete hallucination brought on by the odd tingling the blue light etched into her skin. Even the grass at her feet seemed to recoil from the storm, tips curling as the lush carpet moved with unreal vigor. That was barely even worthy of recognition, though, because something far more fantastic pulled her mind on her next robotic sweep of the landscape. The way she felt she doubted if she would have noticed something actually approaching across the plains, but there was no missing the conspicuous darkness floating atop the continuous explosion. Was that one of them? Some kind of rock thrown up by the blast? It was floating, maybe even surfing the constant gush of whatever that light was. [color=f7976a]"Um,"[/color] Her voice grumbled, catching her by surprise again after having fallen silent for so long. She definitely need to tell the group about that shape. The interruption was enough to invite a deeper rumble from another voice. Ye mucks? Her head snapped instinctively to Jyu-Ni, wondering if two people with the same accent would get along by default. As her head turned to check her party member her jaw dropped as she saw the stranger. Easily the tallest creature she'd ever stood under, several meters at least. Wearing robes of leather, the scent of tanned flesh striking her senses at once, like he had any business to be acting like just a normal guy at that height. He, at least she assumed by the voice, wasn't running at them, wasn't waving a weapon around. Was this a native? Was this the dominant species of this planet, some kind of shepherd of floating boxes they'd stumbled across? Wooden crates hovered along in his presence. Just like Jyu-Ni! But with boxes instead of threatening mecha arms. [color=f7976a]"Uh,"[/color] She cleared her throat, deepening her tone as she eyed the stranger from the back of the group. Just enough silence for her to speak first. [color=f7976a]"Got no clue and got no inclination to find out, we've just been walking straight away from... That mess."[/color] She hung over her feigned indifference, a fresh pang of remorse lancing through her stomach as she emphasized her words by pointing first in the direction they came from and then openly towards where they were going. The wolfman wavered before continuing. [color=f7976a]"Erm, good day though. How... do you do?"[/color]