[hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=SlateBlue]Athanasia Theroux[/color] [/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://c.photoshelter.com/img-get/I0000A111v6FSs48/s/750/750/tpee9740-3.jpg[/img][/center] [center] [b][color=SlateBlue]Location[/color][/b] Courtyard of CRS[/center] [hr][hr] Running a hand over the braid that held her pale hair off to one side, Athanasia gave a sigh of resentment. The ten year old truly did not like asking for help, but as she was- in fact- ten there was no help for it. Frowning she studied their crazed instructor as he wandered towards a corner of the courtyard. For a loud and hardheaded teacher, Hedge wasn't one on Athanasia's list. The man was an annoyance and a pest but not outright cruel like some of the others could be. Especially her maths teacher, [i]Mz.[/i] Grimzle. The woman looked like a hag that had been brought from those pictures where knights talked to witches and peasants were constantly setting things on fire. Perfection was a necessity in that class according to Athanasia, and perfection kept her from being noticed in a negative way. Mz. Grimzle had a habit of making sure those who did badly in her class were utterly humiliated and while Athanasia wanted nothing more than to make sure the old hag got her just due, it was not time for it. [color=SlateBlue]"Oh, la."[/color] The ghostly girl sighed, her dark eyes glittering with something that bordered on malice. It was the look that meant Athanasia was plotting the end for some teacher or other and it was not going to be pretty. For all her coloring, or lack thereof, Athanasia had one thing that stood out. A set of midnight black eyes that were bottomless. A gift from her father she was sure, for none of her mother's relatives had the black eyes and her 'not=father' had a pair of 'pearly blues' as her mother called them. Well, she wasn't so sure she liked them, but her mother adored them, saying they gave her a lovely contrast. Startling was more along of the lines of what Athanasia thought. More than once she had heard the whispers of 'Black-eyed children'. Utter nonsense! [color=SlateBlue]"Mz. Grimzle is teaching us fractions."[/color] She stated slowly, clutching the paper under one arm defensively. [color=SlateBlue]"Fractions and how to mix them about and such..."[/color] Athanasia plopped on the grass with a uncharacteristic pout, as she thrust the paper at Kiera. The pale cheeks a bright pink at the scrawled numbers and symbols that marched about the page and jumbled together. [color=SlateBlue]"I cannot for the life of me get it! This is why human beings invented calculators, computers and things."[/color] The young girl ranted as she looked torn between being terribly upset at the teacher and terrible embarrassed at the situation as she turned her attention over to Roman's group of 'friends'. They resembled a pack of hyenas like in the Lion King to Athanasia's mind, though she would never admit that.