The short walk out of the city had not a word spoken between anyone in the group. Even Marod, usually so eager to probe the personalities of those around him, kept his mouth shut, only occasionally throwing glances between Rossarm and Fendros. With Calia in tow, Rossarm's demeanour did not change from his neutral, if somewhat tired and distant appearance. He did not respond to Meesei's explanations at all. Fendros avoided eye contact. Calia moved as elegantly as ever, though even her eyes were drawn to the ground. "Is your clan's home far from here?" She asked. [hr] Saras did raise true points, but Sabine was under no illusions. Hal-Neesa was the single most powerful creature in their entire city. Without Meesei, no one would help matters in any sense that she could see in that moment. Her hands tightened further. She wished she knew where the Staff of Magnus had been hidden. "I will just bring my pack," she answered, almost as if downplaying the issue. "I will need Tarna's help to travel there anyway." Sabine had been quiet about her new friend from Thorn's lycan clan. Saras would have known about her, though few others would. It would be a trivial matter to collect her and Do'Rhajul within a few minutes.