[@Raineh Daze] [hider=Dantes musings (read at your own risk, I ranted a bit much I feel, Don't bother responding to this! its really not important I just wanted to put my final thoughts somewhere.)] A rose by any other name is still a rose. Regardless of his insistence to not be Edmond Dantes, his true name is labeled as Edmond Dantes, Which means that the individual is indeed Edmond Dantes. However in Avenger's mind he does not believe himself to be Edmond Dantes because Edmond dantes had a happy ending while he can never have such a thing due to his class. His Identity however is a moot point, since Count of Monte Cristo and Edmond Dantes as names go hand in hand. The true name is Edmond Dantes. Its basically comparaing Vlad III (Extra) vs Vlad III (Apocrypha) both have equal claim to be Vlad the impaler, So regardless of this whatever it is your arguing over, it does not change his true name from being Edmond Dantes . I never said infinite mana, I merely said Mana would be a non-issue as a result of the stop-gap measure of his skills. There will likely not be a case where he will ever exceed his supply as a result. Likewise Dante's NP and Okita's skill are functionally different. One is a 'timestop' brought about moving so fast that it is as if time itself has stopped. The other is teleportion. Both have their merits but one is infinitly more difficult to defend against. Likewise you keep harping on servant v Servant encounters but not what the real threat of this skill is. The Hit and Run, a near light speed punch to the face is gonna to blow your torso clean off thus He is moving at such a speed he could insta gib a master and likely escape in one fluid motion with the minorist of injuries from said masters servant if the servant is even close enough to their master to even do anything. So while Okita has her TP she is still *slower* then dantes who is moving a speed that breaks free of the prisons of space and time, as to teleport she has to be moving within time, but when dantes moves with his np its like time has stopped. Logically meaning that hes moving faster then it takes her to teleport. To bring closure to all of this rambling and because my clarity has been lost on me on this fine morning of caffeine infused insomnia, I was actually offering an expansion on his level of control over his NP, lower speed longer duration of speed to avoid having to explain away a scenario of why Dantes doesn't just perform the insta-gib of the enemy master since Dantes isn't restrained to such conventions as honour. [/hider] I just feel that the notion of this came off on the wrong foot. I was never saying Dantes was stronger then Gil, Although he technically could do some damage to Gilgamesh while Gil is charging up Ea, I do not think that a Gilgamesh going serious would have any issue with the count, even if serious gilgamesh is a rarity.. I was saying Dantes is scary because of how 'hit and run' the NP can be used as. Time stops like what this NP is capable of doing with, due to its space-time breaking levels of speed. Effectively render fights against the count to always be escort missions where one failed defense results in an immediate lost except the enemy has speed haxs and you are lagging. This was the Issue with Dantes, not his servant v servant capablities, but playing him as an assassin. With speed like that, you don't need sneaking. SO TLDR: to avoid using Dantes as quite possibly the strongest Hit and Run user this side of Achilles, I wanted to add the capacity that dantes can lower his speed for an increase duration to his NP, which reveals his true name not that it is an issue since the moment he uses his weapon it does that anyway. With the increased duration of a sustain speed boost making him fast, but not unreactionably fast, Count can burn mana for speed, making healthy fast paced servant fights, which brings up his sustain a bit, while still making him a glass cannon (since hes burning mana for both attacks and movement) without resorting to the logical conclusion of murdering the servants mana supply in a manner that anyone without a reality deafying NP would have difficults defending against.