[center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/ff/e8/65/ffe8655ee56258df7596e286dc3cef70--dark-anime-girl-anime-girl-with-black-hair.jpg[/img][/center] [h1][center][b][u][color=8882be]Ramona Jade[/color][/u][/b][/center][/h1] [color=a187be]Age:[/color] 18 [color=8493ca]Gender:[/color] Female [color=6ecff6]Sexual Orientation:[/color] Bisexual-Polyamourous [color=82ca9d]Personality:[/color] Ramona had been diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder a few years ago. Otherwise known as multiple personality disorder. Having undergone a traumatic experience in her childhood, the result was her brain coping by fragmenting her personal identity into two different characters. Her first personality can be described as kind, gentle, creative, and shy. Ray likes to spend most of her time reading, painting, playing the cello, or sometimes dancing when the mood strikes. She has a huge heart and once you get to know her she can be very loving. This can be difficult to achieve however, due to her extremely shy nature. Having horrible social anxiety, this has caused her to have absolutely no friends. Though no one really bullies her, due to her condition other students have thought of her as rather odd. Too odd to even associate with. Her second personality is the exact opposite. Ramona is sarcastic, vengeful, outgoing, tough, protective, and just a total bad-ass. This side of her can be described as the Tsundere personality. People will only see this side of Ramona when she feels extremely uncomfortable, or in danger. It is a way for the real Ray to protect herself. This personality likes to hurt people who may have hurt the shy Ramonas feelings. She is very protective of her other persona and thinks of her as a beloved sister. In class, this persona often gets them both in trouble by causing mischief and chaos during most lessons. [color=00aeef]Biography:[/color] Ramona Jade is the heiress to Jade Jewelers. Her parents are in charge and own a series of jewelry stores. Ray's family was like any other wealthy family. Her parents were usually too busy with work or their own social engagements to really pay attention to the poor girl. Up to a certain age Ray had been raised by the staff that had run the household while her parents were away. Mostly consisting of maids, butlers, gardeners, etc. Meaning, that most of the time she was left alone. Her only company being herself. Well since her family was worth billions, it was easy to imagine that Ramona would be a target for those looking to make a fortune through despicable means. One day, when Ramona was only twelve years old, a few men had broken into the Jade mansion. Having snuck into Rays room, they kidnapped her. Their plan was to leave a ransom note asking for a total of one billion dollars in exchange for the safe return of their beloved child. They took her to an old house on the other side of the city. It was warn down, condemned. But it served their purpose by having a cellar with no way out other than the entrance that was always locked or guarded. Since her parents had been away on vacation at the time (as usual), no one could get ahold of them right away. This only caused her captors to grow agitated and to take their anger out on the poor girl. Unspeakable acts had been done to her, and not all of them being just violent. They had also been perverted and played psychological games. When her parents were finally contacted and had learned of the situation, they immediately sought out those who had taken their most precious gem. Unfortunately, by the time the authorities had found the child, it was too late. The captors had driven Ramona insane and as a way of coping her personality had separated in an attempt to survive. Her Tsundere persona had lashed out, and with only a shard of broken glass she either injured or killed everyone that had held her hostage. All they had found upon their arrival were individuals who were either dead or unconscious. While Ramona sat in a corner curled into a ball sobbing uncontrollably. Mrs. Anderson thought it would be best that in addition to their daily individual therapy sessions that Ramaona attend the after school program as well. Mainly it was an effort on the counselors part to get Rays nice personality to make friends. Hoping that if she could live day to day as her "normal" self that eventually her "psycho" self would simply fade away. [color=00a651]Likes:[/color] -Chocolate pocky -All forms of music. (From classical to heavy metal) -Starry nights -Thunder storms -Talking to herself [color=8493ca]Dislikes:[/color] -Being angry -Bullies -Rumors -PTSD Flashbacks -The color pink -Her parents [center][img]https://em.wattpad.com/c3ceb7beb78c761e8f6c02f9a5f217433182ea5f/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f515266303248416f444778416b413d3d2d3239383831353531312e313436623238393635373462653138653431373838373634343537332e6a7067?s=fit&w=1280&h=1280[/img][/center]