[center][color=9efbb6][h1]Valen[/h1][/color] [@PlatinumSkink] [/center] [hr] After dropping the Shuppet off at the troupe, Valen was on his way, deciding to take the Route to Highhill Town. As he headed out into the night, he glanced at the pokeballs around his waist. He hadn't gotten a chance to introduce the new pokemon to Qwerty. [color=9efbb6][i]There's only two, I could probably handle both of them out.[/i][/color] Hesitantly, he released the Snivy. It was an interesting pokemon, no doubt, with sly amber eyes and a brilliant green coloring. His pokedex went off, rattling off about information on the pokemon. He held out his hand for the pokemon, who sniffed it hesitantly. Qwerty greeted the Snivy with a cheerful cry, the Snivy responding with the tiniest of smiles. Valen wasn't sure what to do about the grassy, reptilian ppkemon. The creature seemed hesitant about accepting him, but it hadn't [i]not[/i] approved of him. [color=9efbb6]"Well hi,"[/color] he didn't know what else to say. [color=9efbb6]"I'm Valerian, just Valen though. Valerian's pretentious enough."[/color] The pokemon moved in front him, hardly acknowledging what he'd said. It was certainly testing him, even if he didn't realize it entirely. However, the pokemon reacted positively to Qwerty, and the two communicated and got along, it seemed. Qwerty was enthralled with the new addition to the budding team. [i][color=9efbb6]At least they're friendly with each other. Better to have that Snivy like one of us, intstead of neither of us.[/color][/i] The grass rustled, and Valen only just managed to dodge an irate Rattata's tackle. [color=9efbb6]"Ack! Ow!"[/color] He'd heard about this, wild pokemon that often attacked trainers to prove themselves or train. Qwerty and the Snivy were quick to move to the front. Other wild pokemon watched, some curious, others itching to join in the fight. [i][color=9efbb6]Huh...[/color][/i] He didn't want the wild pokemon to end up too badly hurt. It was tough enough surviving in the wild, after all. [color=9efbb6]"Don't get in too bad of a fight, guys."[/color] The Rattata that had attacked them, however, scampered off, feeling quite intimidated. And probably for good reason. Still, the random encounter had given Valen an idea. There were probably quite a few wild pokemon on this route, weren't there? Perhaps there was a potential team member just waiting to be found on their way to Highhill. Or even potential items that had been dropped. That settled it then. [color=9efbb6]"While we're on route 1, let's keep an eye out for pokemon, or maybe like stuff on the ground,"[/color] Valen added. [color=9efbb6]"Who knows? Maybe we'll find a friend or something? I guess, try not to get hurt but we can try and train some too, if a pokemon challenges us I mean."[/color] Qwerty let out a "kre!" The Snivy huffed, though the pokemon wouldn't do something as paltry as look for items, testing moves and building up strength after being in a pokeball was at the highest on the list. As they fought their battles, practicing their techniques and trying to grow, they continued on the route, the moon round and luminous above them. [hr] [hider=Pokemon] [center] Qwerty the Porygon lvl 9 [img]https://img.pokemondb.net/sprites/x-y/normal/porygon.png[/IMG] [ Sharpen, Tackle, Conversion, Conversion2, Psybeam ] ???? The Snivy [/center] [/hider] [hider=Inventory] 1500p Potion x1 Pokeball*5 [/hider] [hider=Actions] Walking on Route. I don't know if this is too specifc, but to help Valen get over his fear of fire pokemon, I'd like him to encounter amd catch a Growlithe eventually. Something that'll force him to catch it? I know that growlithe are uncommon and I know it might take a few posts to find one, but I'm okay with that too :) In the meantime, I guess they'll train to pass the time! [/hider]