[@Rune_Alchemist][@ZAVAZggg] The Osiri brought him back down to earth. He looked at her in annoyance. He got in front of her and stopped her, getting it clear if she kept moving, then bad things would happen. His eyes glowed menacingly from within the mask of metal. [color=39b54a]"Well when you spend forty years surrounded by spirits and the dead, then let's see how long your sentences get. I don't normally talk at all since I can barely move my face muscles as it is! I can't even eat like people do anymore."[/color] He held his left hand in front of her but with the glove tightly on. He was about to take it off, but inhaled and grunted. He waved his arms as if raving mad. He stopped and turned to them. He whistled and a raven landed on Einarr's shoulder. [color=39b54a]"I'm going to raise the dead and hunt down that beast. Come with if you'd like, so you can get a grasp of what you deal with, but if you'd like to go ahead and hunt the beast without me, so be it. If you need help, tell the Raven 'Oros Noxv' and you will receive it."[/color] He walked off, merchants keeping a keen eye on him, as if making sure he won't going to torch their stalls.