Oddly enough Azariah had considered Googling the man and then immediately decided against it. She really didn't care, it wasn't as if she were actually going to marry the man. She had packed several suitcases of clothes, and left instructions on what would or would not be packed and shipped should she be stuck in London longer than she anticipated. She had just finished setting everything by the door when she received another e-mail. She opened it and read. She moved to her desk where she immediately searched for the place he had mentioned. She was grinning to herself as she composed a reply. To: Adrian From: Azariah Subject: re Is this for real? Adrian, I had not been informed of that particular detail no, and as I am sure you are aware, I am not a fan. I have taken your advice and booked TWO rooms at Lanesborough. It is certainly very... pastel LOL I did request the rooms on the same floor but not adjoining. I also requested that neither be so... PINK. I have made reservations for an evening meal in three days. I chose the onsite restaurant at 8pm. I read that is the preferred time to eat as opposed to a much earlier 5-7 here in the States, of course that also varies by location and lifestyle. If 8 does not work for you, please feel free to change the reservation and let me know via e-mail. I look forward to sitting down with you and finding a solution that works for both of us. We should be able to think of something. We seem to be intelligent beings and if nothing else, we can always go with the tried and true "I do not consent to this marriage" at the altar. Or who knows, we may discover that we find each other tolerable and can go ahead with this farce for a few months and then quietly file for divorce. Azariah She sent the e-mail, and then sent her lawyer a text telling him she had booked Hotel rooms, and was ready to leave when ready. She made it sound as though she was resigned to making this happen. She was informed that her flight out would happen the next day. She was ready to meet him and figure out their next steps.