[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/F8mdBhC.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/4ygVSJY.png[/img][hr][hr] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/intermediary/f/e176d520-cf6a-4d56-87d8-9310b80f79e3/d3rdiy0-6f0b4b24-190f-4733-a679-d1e354b7538d.jpg/v1/fill/w_1227,h_651,q_70,strp/cross_fate_city_concept_by_adam_varga_d3rdiy0-pre.jpg[/img] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqkhWdNTU-U[/youtube] [i]"So why should I be afraid of you? You bleed just like I do. And you're gonna die... no different from anyone else that came before you..."[/i] [hr][/center] [h1][color=dodgerblue]♦ OVERVIEW ♦[/color][/h1][hr] [indent]Welcome to [b][color=dodgerblue]Charity Beach: Paradise Gone[/color][/b] an RP that was made to satisfy a craving of mine somewhat inspired by the rise of Superhuman RPs. Apart of the [b]Black Fall Universe[/b], this RP will be a semi-sandbox RP where people create a character of any type and participate in a variety of different storylines that will all lead to the same place. I will attempt to give guidance to everyone, but I encourage everyone to come up with their own storylines and take initiative with the location and the lore. I will provide information on the setting and the city, but what's inside of it is completely up to the players to come up with. Basically, the setting is a world where people are enhanced by crystals that emit a strange energy and have been granted superhuman abilities, being dubbed "Metahumans." These Metahumans have been exposed to the world at a very early age, and have been quite integrated into the minds of the world as their acts, whether good or bad, often pop up on the news. There are mixed thoughts on Metahumans, some hate them, some love them, and others are on the fence. But, the problem is that, following an incident known only as the Verthaven disaster, they are on the rise, and people are afraid. Various cities hold high amounts of Metahumans, and one of them is a city in Florida on its west coast. Home to beautiful beaches, women, and weather, Charity Beach naturally draws all sorts of people to its locales. And why wouldn't it? It has plenty of fun activities just waiting for you, so even if you're visiting or living there, you have a near-perfect paradise. Though, there is, naturally, a dark cloud over the city that the pamphlets and brochures tell nothing about. The crime, the factions vying for control, and the law enforcement that's just as bad as the criminals. This formed a balance of sorts, with no faction getting a foothold on the other and keeping their activities under control... but, something else out there is going to throw everything out of wack. If Superpowers/Superheros/Whatever isn't your fancy, then I suggest just closing the tab and going about your day. If it is, I promise to provide an interesting experience. A deep and complex tale of people getting caught up in the wrong place at the wrong time, with very rich and well-developed lore. Above all else; this won't be a standard superhero romp, but a character-centric look at how Superpowers and whatnot would function in real life. No capes, no gimmicks. The RP will be character driven, and somewhat sandbox-y. I will be providing a storyline, but I'll be giving people free rein on how their characters act within the storyline. The theme of this story is, essentially, Balance. And here is a link to our [url=https://discord.gg/8DXNWVq][color=dodgerblue][b]DISCORD SERVER.[/b][/color][/url][/indent] [h1][color=dodgerblue]♦ STORY ARCS ♦[/color][/h1][hr] [indent] [h3][color=dodgerblue]♦ HAPPINESS ♦[/color][/h3][hr] [indent]A new drug epidemic has hit the nation; Happiness. A super-drug that numbs pain and causes feels of pure ecstasy and pleasure, and it is highly addictive. The drug is being distributed by the gang known as The Boyz and there are already thousands upon thousands of addicts and counting. The addiction isn't the worst part, it's believed to be linked with spontaneous mutations occurring in the city. The drug is quickly tearing the city in half and all the inhabitants are going to be dragged into the war.[/indent] [/indent] [h1][color=dodgerblue]♦ RULES & NOTES ♦[/color][/h1][hr] [hider=1. OOC Rules][indent] [color=dodgerblue][sup]⋗ 1 . 1 |[/sup][/color] Remember that everybody is here to have fun above all else. We may throw a few flowery jabs at each other, but remember it's all in good fun. The Golden rule is: don't be a dick. [color=dodgerblue][sup]⋗ 1 . 2 |[/sup][/color] That said, remember that I have the full right to deny anyone access to the RP, and I am not above removing anyone from the RP should they get too unruly. I hope it doesn't come to that, but I'm just putting that out there. [color=dodgerblue][sup]⋗ 1 . 3 |[/sup][/color] I (And any Co-GMs I may elect) have the final say in all matters - we aren't tyrants, but I will put my foot down. Please make any edits to your character sheet/posts/etc that you were requested to. If you're too unruly, I'll have no choice but to enact [color=dodgerblue][sup]1.2[/sup][/color]. [color=dodgerblue][sup]⋗ 1 . 4 |[/sup][/color] I enforce a policy of not informing people of every time they should post (unless their character is in the middle of interactions). If you go inactive without a peep, I'm not going to babysit you. It's a player's responsibility to keep up with the RP. [color=dodgerblue][sup]⋗ 1 . 5 |[/sup][/color] Please be respectful towards all other players. [color=dodgerblue][sup]⋗ 1 . 6 |[/sup][/color] Please do not post a "wip" sheet. I find it very irritating when someone posts an incomplete character sheet. If you want me to read over what you have so far, just PM it to me. If you need a place to work on it just private message the sheet to yourself (or write it on one of many platforms). [color=dodgerblue][sup]⋗ 1 . 7 |[/sup][/color] This RP will strictly be "first come, first serve." Meaning I will not reserve any powers/character roles/etc, and they will go to whoever finishes their character sheet first. If there's a conflict over it, I will decide the outcome. [color=dodgerblue][sup]⋗ 1 . 8 |[/sup][/color] Character applications will go into the OOC (where we can work things out) until they are accepted. In other words, the character tab is for [i]accepted[/i] characters only. Also, do not "reserve" a spot in the Character Tab unless you were given permission to by me. [color=dodgerblue][sup]⋗ 1 . 9 |[/sup][/color] I am [i]very[/i] thorough and critical when judging character sheets. Don't take it as a personal attack, I just have some pretty high (well, unrealistically high) standards. [color=dodgerblue][sup]⋗ 1 . 10 |[/sup][/color] Try to keep the OOC active as possible. Even chit-chatting about random games is perfectly okay. [/indent][/hider] [hider=2. IC Rules][indent] [color=dodgerblue][sup]⋗ 2 . 1 |[/sup][/color] No Powergaming, God-Modding, Metagaming, etc, etc... You know, the "don't"'s of Roleplaying. You know the dealio. [color=dodgerblue][sup]⋗ 2 . 2 |[/sup][/color] Let me say now; the story will be pretty slow-paced at times. I have a job and college, so I won't be able to post constantly. If a slower RP is good for you, then go for it. [color=dodgerblue][sup]⋗ 2 . 3 |[/sup][/color] Adding onto the above, the story will be a little messy with a lot of different storylines running alongside each other - with lots of characters. If you don't think you can handle that, then I don't think you should join. [color=dodgerblue][sup]⋗ 2 . 4 |[/sup][/color] I prefer that we keep collaborations to a minimum... just preference because many RPs died/slowed to a halt due to too many collabs. [color=dodgerblue][sup]⋗ 2 . 5 |[/sup][/color] All I ask for is one post a week. If it's been a week since your last post, your character will be placed into the inactive section until they are written off (Either by death or leaving the city). Once a character is inactive however, they are officially an NPC, and can be used freely by the GMs, or the players. [color=dodgerblue][sup]⋗ 2 . 6 |[/sup][/color] I am not a stickler for post length. I'd rather have a meaningful paragraph, over an essay full of filler. [color=dodgerblue][sup]⋗ 2 . 7 |[/sup][/color] This RP, at times, will get very dark. I plan for it to be a very mature, and down-to-earth Roleplay. There will be death, drinking, drugs, and tickle fingers. [color=dodgerblue][sup]⋗ 2 . 8 |[/sup][/color] Character death is a real possibility. By submitting a character, you understand that they have to take responsibility for their actions. They will not be bailed out by me and may get injured or die. I won't jeopardize the story for one character. They can also be killed by other characters. I won't go out of my way to kill off any character - that I like - but I may injure them for the sake of the story. [color=dodgerblue][sup]⋗ 2 . 9 |[/sup][/color] Romance/Sex/Whatever is allowed in the RP. "Fade to black" is so beaten into your heads by now that there's no point in even repeating it. [color=dodgerblue][sup]⋗ 2 . 10 |[/sup][/color] To keep things a bit more organized, please say where your post is taking place at the start of your post. [color=dodgerblue][sup]⋗ 2 . 11 |[/sup][/color] If you're also expecting me to hold your hand every step of the way, then you're going to be disappointed. This is going to be an RP that rewards taking initiative, and starting plotlines of your own. I'll provide a storyline, but I'm not going to be railroading everyone. [/indent][/hider] [hider=3. Character Creation Rules][indent] [color=dodgerblue][sup]⋗ 3 . 1 |[/sup][/color] I expect some moderate detail when writing your character sheet. Remember, this RP is more grounded in realism, and I want each character to feel like a person. Try to give them a believable past, goals, personality, etc. [color=dodgerblue][sup]⋗ 3 . 2 |[/sup][/color] If your goal is to basically make the strongest/best character, and try to "win" the Roleplay, let me stop you here and say you won't get far. This is a story, not a place for you to wank your OP self-insert. Nothing says "I'm a bad writer" to me than giving your character the strongest abilities (along with an asston of skills). As I said above, I am very critical, and will not hesitate to ask you to change whatever I dislike about your character sheet. [color=dodgerblue][sup]⋗ 3 . 3 |[/sup][/color] If your character is a sociopath/psychopath, complete badass, perfect character, edgelord, then they're likely not going to get accepted. [color=dodgerblue][sup]⋗ 3 . 4 |[/sup][/color] You can create a character of any ethnicity, gender, sexuality, background, etc, within the bounds of realism of course. You can definitely get creative here. [color=dodgerblue][sup]⋗ 3 . 5 |[/sup][/color] "Magic" does not exist in the setting. This RP will be mainly sci-fi with slight paranormal themes here and there. There will a suspension of disbelief for artistic license but let’s not do anything too drastic, please. [color=dodgerblue][sup]⋗ 3 . 6 |[/sup][/color] There is no character limit, you can, and are encouraged, to make as many characters as you can handle. Just don't get stupid. [color=dodgerblue][sup]⋗ 3 . 7 |[/sup][/color] I suggest writing a description of your character's appearance to get everyone in that writing mood. If you must, you can use a picture. [u][b]Just no anime[/b][/u]. The pictures have to be of real people, or realistic art (But, let's shy away from A/B List Celebrities). [color=dodgerblue][sup]⋗ 3 . 8 |[/sup][/color] When creating a character, try to be diverse. Look at the character sheets and try to fulfill a role that [i]no one[/i] has. No one wants a million street fighters, or nice girls. You can be pretty creative within the bounds of the lore. [color=dodgerblue][sup]⋗ 3 . 9 |[/sup][/color] Now, time for the banned powers. The following powers are banned without negotiation: "Instant death" powers, Mind/Character control, Time powers, Anything with "Omni-" attached to it, Reality Warping, Life-force absorption, Complete-Indestructibility/Absolute-Defense, "Bringing art to life," and Probability Manipulation. I will gladly tell you why they are banned if asked. [color=dodgerblue][sup]⋗ 3 . 10 |[/sup][/color] The following powers are restricted, but negotiable: Blood Manipulation, Darkness Manipulation, Power Replication, Gravity Manipulation, Power Nullification, Suggestion, and Memory Manipulation. Message me for more details. [color=dodgerblue][sup]⋗ 3 . 11 |[/sup][/color] Please refrain from tacking skills/powers onto characters. Try to make everything feel natural to your character. [color=dodgerblue][sup]⋗ 3 . 12 |[/sup][/color] This is optional, but I can choose a power for your character. It'll be a fun little thing for both of us. [/indent][/hider] [h1][color=dodgerblue]♦ SPONSORS ♦[/color][/h1][hr] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/175629-vivid-recollections-season-2-into-the-false-light-urban-fantasy-cosmic/ooc][img]https://i.imgur.com/3fprI7f.png[/img][/url] [i][sup]My flagship RP, a different spin on Urban fantasy and superpower RPs following a group of kid's and their war against an eldritch abomination. Featuring body horror, mental scarring, and other fun.[/sup][/i] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/176535-nomadic-fist-radiant-soul-a-fighting-game-rpg/ooc][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjExNi5mYWI2MDAuVG05dFlXUnBZeUJHYVhOMC4w/vtks-scream.regular.png[/img][/url] [i][sup]An RP for people who like to fist things. A fighting game RP that was originally started by me but had ownership transferred to Kaiserelectric. It features a cast of some of the most interesting characters I've seen in awhile and is more than just a fighting RP.[/sup][/i]