Only a very exclusive few were aware that there was more than one Titan-Shifter in the room, and it was gonna stay that way until it was important enough to blow that cover. One can only imagine what sort of things go through Sara's head in regards to that confidentiality. Did she fear being put into the same danger as Eren himself was in? Did she regret not revealing herself sooner and giving humanity an edge more publically? One can only guess, but the thing to know for sure was this: Those in this room who were fully-aware of Sara's secret nature believed that it should remain as one, because it truly [i]does[/i] go further than 'Oh, we've had a Titan-Shifter this whole time.'. It was more like 'We've known that there are humans who become uniquely-dangerous Titans for a while now, and that knowledge is even more dangerous out in the open than it is quiet.'. After all, someone had to BE the enemy that kicked in the gates. If they knew about this, they'd never be so brazen in exposing themselves at the second wall. Still, of the people who were in the know, Kate Bellows was not. She had walked into the room quietly, making no noise to disturb the others, no comments to interrupt them. At least, not until there was a great need to speak. This was the job and both the Commanders and Sara had the floor. She wasn't even going to greet her Aunt until she was focused away from Eren...which might take some time. As to Sara's question, Eren said [color=8dc73f]"You seemed to believe in what [i]I[/i] said, so I have to return the favor."[/color]. As stated beforre, he understood WHY she beat him, and it worked. So, while the Lieutenant was rather intimidating - right along with her cousin - at least things appeared to be alright now. She would see that Kate was indeed relieved, even smiling. It would be a hard road ahead, but now that they were walking the path, they would never stop until the end was reached. [color=8dc73f]"Will my friends be alright?"[/color] And this is where Kate broke her silence. [color=f7941d]"Nothing will happen to them, Eren. They'll be fine. The only problem is that, for obvious reasons, they can't go where you're going. You're our responsibility now, and by that token, everything you do reflects directly on us."[/color] So, if he were to - say, for instance - go completely out of control and have to be put down, possibly killing people along the way...heads would roll, literally, as punishment. This sunk in deep into Eren's understanding...a very seriouss thing...which is why it was completely out from left field that Kate would suddenly get practically tackled and put into a tight deathgrip of affection by Hange Zoe. [color=a0410d]"Katherine! When did you get here?! You've grown again, haven't you?!"[/color] [color=f7941d]"...hi, Aunt Hange... You're the one who arrived unannounced... I've [i]been[/i] here."[/color] She released Kate, going [color=a0410d]"Oh yeah, that's a good point."[/color], and then gripped her hands excitedly. [color=a0410d]"I hear the Titan-Shredder is going to be approved for regular use! How's the new project coming along?"[/color] [color=f7941d]"Got the basics of it down, but I'm gonna need a black powder supply to fill the heads. If I don't test a fully-operational prototype, we won't know how effective it is."[/color] They're both getting that wild look in their eyes over - one would assume - some other invention or even [i]mulitple[/i] inventions Kate was working on. What? You thought the Titan-Shredders would be the only thing she could make? Her mother perfected the wall cannons and railing system with a few measurements and some math. This kind of thing was running in the family!