[quote=@BingTheWing] [@Icon57] Thanks! Just some clarifications on the lore: does the sun weaken vampires, or does it immediately burn them? Are familiars enslaved in a way or serving their masters out of their own conscience? [/quote] Good questions! Re: familiars, I think they're a good way to differentiate between the houses. Like, Catherine Cash is very much a partner in Dutch's operation. But there's no reason to think that other familiars in House Scion are so privileged, and other houses might see familiars more like chattel or cannon fodder than employees or devotees. So the answer to that question is "yes." Whatever makes sense for your house and the characters you're playing. As for sunlight, I really like the limitations that come from sunlight being deadly. But if there's a cool narrative reason for something different, or some combination of consequences to sunlight exposure, I'm all ears!