Calia took a moment to tear her eyes away from the magic Meesei weaved in her hands. She cleared her throat. "I shall accept your offer. I can fare you well there, Rossarm." Rossarm nodded. He had narrowed his eyes at Meesei's magic but did not show any other reaction. [hr] Sabine shook her head. "Stay for a while. Um, please. We need to save time. What did you say your name was?" The portal opened up with Sabine and the Scholar stepping through first. Sabine's eyes were on every detail the moment they set foot on the other side, alert for any signs of danger. Behind them was Do'rhajul, standing tall with his sword drawn, if held low. Though ready for a fight, he was mostly covered by a hooded cloak and a scarf. In spite of his size, he had an easier time during the day by staying scarce. Finally, creeping in Do'rhajul's shadow was a younger Argonian woman with stony grey scales and a small crest spanning back over her head. Her eyes looked nervous but ready for action. She wore a light chitin armour under a covering of vaguely camouflaged clothing, and on her belt was a green glass dagger and sword. "I think...she has not become violent," Sabine thought out loud while observing the scholars without the building. The Argonian did not put herself at ease. "Should I circle around? See what's inside?" She asked, heavily accented. Sabine shook her head. "No. She will know we are here soon. Stay with me." They approached the perturbed scholars. "Excuse me," Sabine asked unsurely. "Can you tell me what happened here?"