[hider=Duncan Marlow][center][h1]Duncan Marlow[/h1][hr] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/intermediary/f/a92cac51-9622-480b-a173-d6688a46bbe2/dcty95d-50269310-8989-4906-a402-1d5144e3f9d8.jpg/v1/fill/w_1280,h_854,q_70,strp/828_by_massat_dcty95d-fullview.jpg[/img] Image shamelessly stolen from [url=https://www.deviantart.com/massat]Massat[/url] [hr] [h3][b]⫸ B A S I C I N F O R M A T I O N ⫷[/b][/h3] [i]"Man, I would kill for some river bacon right about now."[/i][/center] [indent] ▼ [b]| BIRTH NAME : | [/b] [indent]Duncan Pierce Marlow.[/indent] ▼ [b]| ALSO KNOWN AS: |[/b] [indent]Ironwood, Bark, Thorn[/indent] ▼ [b]| GENDER : | [/b] [indent]Male[/indent] ▼ [b]| AGE : |[/b] [indent]26[/indent] [/indent] [center][h3][b]⫸ A P P E A R A N C E ⫷[/b][/h3] [i]"You can hide what you are, I can't. The best I can do is cover myself to avoid being the target of the most insecure pieces of shit who want us all dead."[/i][/center] [indent] ▼ [b]| P H Y S I C AL S T A T S : |[/b] [indent][indent] [b]▸ HEIGHT : |[/b] 6'1" [b]▸ WEIGHT : |[/b] Base weight is 240 lbs. Varies depending on power. [b]▸ ETHNICITY : |[/b] Caucasian dominant mix [b]▸ HAIR COLOR : |[/b] Dark brown [b]▸ EYE COLOR : |[/b] Brown [/indent][/indent] ▼ [b]| PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION : |[/b] [indent]About average height, but with a heavy set, muscular build, Duncan would pass for a fairly normal weight lifting gym goer, if it were not for the fact that his skin like the bark of a tree, which changes, frequently due to his ability. His hair, once naturally dark brown, is now a deep leaf green. Behind his left ear, he has the numerals 828 tattooed, however it is extremely difficult to see them, due to the odd colouring, and textures his skin takes. [/indent] ▼ [b]| ATTIRE : |[/b] [indent]Duncan typically wears clothing to cover much of his skin. Almost always in loose fitting, baggy pants (not sagging), long sleeve shirts or hoodies, and steel toe boots. His colour palette is typically muted and earth tones. Typical for him is blue jeans and a light grey hoodie, or browns, blacks, greys, and the occasional checker/plaid shirt or jacket. [/indent] [/indent] [center][h3][b]⫸ P S Y C H O L O G Y ⫷[/b][/h3] [i]"I understand bears more than I understand people. Bears are logical, you know where you stand with them. People are irrational, one would stab you in the back for the shoes on your feet, another would give you coat off their back in a blizzard, only to freeze to death themselves. I try to be the later."[/i][/center] [indent] [b]▼ | PERSONALITY TRAITS : | [/b] [indent]Reserved | Insecure | Stoic | Socially Awkward | Courageous | Kind | Caring | Driven[/indent] [b]▼ | SKILLS : | [/b] [indent]Remote wilderness and arctic survival: Having grown up in a minuscule village in the backwoods of Alaska, Duncan is extremely well versed in hunting, fishing, making shelter, and other aspects of survival. This was further expanded on due to training to be a Forest Ranger. Bushcraft: Duncan can not only survive in the wild, but give him a knife, and he will thrive. He is experienced in making long term shelters, tools, traps, even weapons out of nothing but what is found in the wild. Firearm Training - Hunter: Duncan is an excellent shot with a rifle or a shotgun, at ranges of less than 200 yards. Just how he did most of his hunting, and bear shooting. With training from becoming a Forest Ranger, he is experienced with semi-automatic carbines, and pistols, and has enjoyed training with them, under stress-inducing scenarios, typically joining a two-gun action challenge match once a month. Primitive Archery - Basic: Duncan has been taught how to make, and shoot, a primitive, self-made bow from what he can find in the wilderness. What he makes isn't pretty, but it is functional enough to take down small game, if needed. Mechanical Aptitude: Inherited from his father, Duncan has a knack for taking things apart and fixing them: so long as it isn't computerized. He is well versed in the operation, maintenance, and repair of things like chainsaws, snowmobiles, toasters to furnaces. However, he tends a bit more to the backwoods approach of "Jerry-rig it 'till it works", rather than proper repairs. His welding may look like a pile of boogers, but it will hold. Musician: He is self-taught in how to play the guitar and bass guitar. Strictly amateur. Weight lifting: Duncan has been pursuing strength, after having engaged in a couple of barroom brawls, while trying to find clues to Alana's disappearance. While his body is tough and [i]almost[/i] rock hard, being able to return the punishment seemed like a good idea. He has plans to start learning some martial arts in the future. Languages: Knows English and Yu'pik[/indent] [b]▼ | BACK STORY : | [/b] [indent]Born in Lower Kalskag, Alaska, Duncan lead a very different life than most kids. He had no computer, no internet, except for at the school. He grew up hunting, fishing, helping to grow a small garden for his family, and foraging in the wilderness. His mother is a Doctor in the clinic, and his father is a handyman, who fixed things like snowmobiles, chainsaws, to ovens or rifles. A little after his sixteenth birthday, he moved in with his aunt in Anchorage, so he could get a better education. It was in Anchorage that he met Alana, a girl two years older than him. She was a Delta, something he had never known before, just heard vague rumours about. She had the ability to suppress the power of someone else, at range. They were a couple for two years, when Alana just vanished. No call, no text, nothing. Her apartment looked as though she just walked out and never came back. In the years following Alana's disappearance, Duncan tried everything he could think of to find her, even paying for a psychic for their services, but the only thing they could tell him, was some vague imagery, and the numbers: 828. He has no idea what it means, but he's been trying to figure it out for eight damn years. At one point, he picked up his Aunts guitar and started learning how to play it, as something to focus on, other than the pain of his loss, it eventually led him to joining a hardrock/metal band for a year, where they played a few bars and clubs before shit went sour with the vocalist and the drummer. When he was 22, he went back home to help his mother take care of his father, after the old man went and fractured his leg. While out foraging, Duncan came across a yellow crystal, growing in the deep woods, not knowing what it was, he picked it up...and pretty quickly realized what it was. He did complete his education, getting a degree in wildlife management, and forestry. He has since been picking up jobs in different parks, or cities, as he follows the limited clues he has to Alana, south.[/indent] [/indent] [center][h3][b]⫸ P O W E R I N F O R M A T I O N ⫷[/b][/h3] [i]"Please, punch me! It will be hilarious watching you scream with a broken hand!"[/i][/center] [indent] [b]▼ | POWER CLASSIFICATION : | [/b] [indent]Type-Yellow[/indent] [b]▼ | POWER DESCRIPTION : | [/b] [indent]Plant Absorption: Duncan has the ability to absorb the essence of almost any plant life, and his body comes to emulate it. For instance, when he absorbs from an Ironwood tree, his skin becomes like the bark of an the tree, his flesh becomes extremely dense, gaining mass, and he becomes quite resistant to injury. If he absorbs from a Red Cedar, he loses mass, is still durable, but a bit less so, but becomes extremely resistant to poison, infection, or fungal organisms. If he absorbs from a rose bush, his skin will grow thorns, if he absorbs grass, he can become extremely flexible, etc. Something he does, is carry a small key chain, with a couple of different pieces of wood on it, to help him adapt to situations. Typically he keeps it loaded with Red Cedar, Australian Buloke (Ironwood), Balsa, and Honey Locust. While he can absorb an essence from dead plants, he has a secondary ability that requires living plants for it to work; Plant Healing: Simply put, Duncan can absorb a plant, and use it to heal himself. It is however, limited by the mass of the plant itself. If he were to absorb a blade of grass? It might heal something he isn't even aware of, like the slightest scratch or something of similar, useless nature. If he were to absorb a California Giant Redwood? It is theorized that he could regenerate from a single living cell, course, that would mean he would have to be obliterated, in a Redwood forest, so it isn't exactly a practical reality. A more realistic use, would be to absorb a common urban tree, which might heal a broken bone, or a palm tree, which could heal some fairly nasty wounds.[/indent] [b]▼ | LIMITS : | [/b] [indent]He is limited by only being able to manifest one essence at a time. If he manifests Ironwood, then he gains its strengths, but he cannot combine it with say, Cedar's resistance poison/infection, etc. While his ability is always active, changing from one to another takes a lot of effort, one change takes a lot out of him, two and he will be quite fatigued, three, and he feels he is at risk of ashing himself. Furthermore, he appears to be unable to heal himself more than once per hour.[/indent] [b]▼ | WEAKNESSES : | [/b] [indent]Perhaps most damaging in day to day life, is that his ability is always active. He is an easily spotted target for those who hate Deltas, and want to see them destroyed. It also effects every aspect of his life. Herbicides, also cause him immediate pain, and could, legitimately kill him, if he is exposed to them for extended periods of time. However, fire is not as much of a weakness as many seem to expect; Ever tried setting a soaking wet, ten to six inch diameter log on fire? It takes a damn long time.[/indent] [/indent] [center][h3][b]⫸ O T H E R ⫷[/b][/h3] [i]"Have you seen my 10mm?"[/i][/center] [indent]While Duncan is intensely curious, and always open to learn things, he is a bit lacking in his understanding of computers and technology overall. He is far more at home in the wilderness, than in big cities, but he is learning how to cope.[/indent][/hider]