[hider=Jason Castle] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/fe/9c/0b/fe9c0b071b4902879991413e68bcfc92.jpg[/img] 5' 10"/140 lbs [/center] [b]Name:[/b] Jason Castle [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Nationality:[/b] British [b]Noble Arm Name & Appearance:[/b] Aesir Guard [img]http://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.Y-eix_fXbXHl8CVz0YK_jQHaHq[/img] The Aesir Guard has a diameter of 24" [b]Noble Arm Abilities:[/b] The Aesir Guard is one of the few defensive Noble Arms, emphasised by the fact that it is not a weapon at all, but rather a lenticular shield. However, its options for offence aren't non-existent. Its most fascinating ability is that it can be thrown much like a frisbee, and can bounce up to five times before returning back to Jason. It can only be thrown in straight lines and cannot be curved, sometimes making its path predictable and if it does not have a clear line back to Jason, it will clatter to the floor. It can also emit a barrier for about 15 seconds at any given time before needing to be recharged. The barrier isn't very thick but increases the Guard's diameter 3 times. The deflective energy means that Jason can't travel very fast with it, reduced to a slow advance forward. The Guard's final ability is a lot more in your face. A bull rush that surrounds Jason in momentum-based energy, clearing a path through minor obstacles in any given direction, but it's a commitment. Once that ride starts, Jason can't get off until it's done. [b]Personality:[/b] [b]*Likes:[/b] Video Games, Zero Cola, Group Combat, Norse Mythology. [b]*Dislikes:[/b] Oppressors (of any kind), the Terrorist Organisations, Tea [b]Fears:[/b] Letting someone down, not able to protect someone. [b]Bio:[/b] Born half Finnish and half English, Jason lived a comfortable life in Kent. Neither rich or poor, his early childhood was fairly unremarkable, apart from the fact that he had a knack for getting into trouble protecting other people, especially his little brother at school. However, his father would end up unemployed and they were forced to move to a much poorer area where the balance between crime and safety was very skewed. Suddenly the amount of times Jason had to help his brother shot up drastically. One night he and his brother had to walk through the streets alone and was jumped by a group of hooligans. Foolishly, Jason's sibling tried to charge forward which ended up with a knife to the gut. Horrified, Jason quickly spotted a lead pipe about the hit his brother's head. Instinctively, he leapt forward bringing his forearm to stop the attack. He shut his eyes tight, ready to feel his left arm get fractured, but a metal clang rang throughout the alleyway. When he opened his eyes, Jason saw a shield affixed to his arm, radiating a larger disc of white energy. With his Noble Arm manifested, Jason managed to fend off the attackers with some shield bashes and quick thinking. However, his efforts were in vain as he could not get them away fast enough. His brother had bled too much by the time they reached the hospital and he passed that night. Jason was devastated. Once his parents grieved, they decided to send Jason to Trinidad Academy to help him control his new ability, after a full month of begging. He didn't want anyone to suffer the same fate as his brother, and he could stop that with the power of a Noble Arm. During his travels, he saw loads of propaganda circulated by both the Hammers and Disarmers. Both went about displaying the power and destructiveness of Noble Arms in their own way, but that wasn't true for Jason. It seemed his purpose was much bigger than protecting the weak but also to show the world that Noble Arms can be used to protect people just as much as harm them. [b]*Current Goal:[/b] To graduate and stop both the Hammer of Masters and the Disarmers. [b]Student Rank:[/b] 671 [/hider]