[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/3S5tzjL.png[/img][/center] Interacted/mentioned: [@Claw2k11] [@Animal] Still starry-eyed and leering at her future tutur, Yachiyo stepped back a bit, caught off-guard by both Soga's appearance and Shiki's adamant apologies. Raising her hands in a sort-of "there there" motion, she forced herself to smile just a bit. [color=#cfcaef]“Nothing bad happened, so please don't worry,”[/color] she replied to the nervous looking boy. scanning him with puzzled intensity in an attempt to figure out what exactly made him jump so badly. With a more serious expression, she turned back to the imposing dragon student, who had introduced himself as Soga. [color=#cfcaef]“Thank you for intervening... Soga! I can see at least some of the students are noble natures!”[/color] She spoke excitedly, almost more to herself than the person she complimented, her hands balled into fists; raised to her face. Her posture, combined with the chronic blush on her face, gave her a rather fired up appearance. [color=#cfcaef]“We definitely should go inside, yes!”[/color] Following Soga, she marched on with great enthusiasm, only for her ears to catch someone's rather unfortunate choice of words. [i]Trash?[/i] [hider=tl:dr] Yachiyo pries her eyes of sensei, talks to Shiki and Soga and compliments him, then catches wind of smokey's bad attitude [/hider]