The reactions lined up with Meesei's expectations. Rossarm kept his eyes down, not out of disinterest, but almost as if he had a reason not to look. Calia, on the other hand, had the same speechless amazement turning her head up and around and taking it all in at once as Meesei had seen plenty of times before. "But this...this is a Dwemer structure!" Calia exclaimed. She spun around to Meesei. "But how would you bring armies in and out? All on your own?" "Chambers, mother," Fendros interjected. "Meesei worked out how to get propylons working- May we move on?" He gestured to the stairs, looking uncomfortably at Meesei. Calia finally remembered to close her mouth. She spoke with a bewildered laugh behind her words. "I was expecting a village in the woods. Nothing like this." [hr] Sabine eyed each and every scholar, even leaning around the man talking to her at times. She only stopped when she was satisfied that no one was hurt. "We will go and speak to her." Sabine said. "You should...all of you should start packing up. Immediately. She is bringing your belongings out because she does not want you inside." While Sabine did not have the most authoritative voice, but she was high ranking. Do'rhajul's presence also lent weight to her words, she found. "Francois, please help packing up here." She continued. "Everyone, we will tell you when it is safe to return." Sabine turned and started towards the tower door but kept her ear open for any parting questions.